Snap Out

What do we do when things don't happen the way we want? Simple answer is 'accept it and move on with life'. Wish its as simple as it sounds!

Usually there are 100s of thoughts that follow - why did it happen this way, why did it happen to me, is god punishing me for something I did, everything goes so smooth for him/her - list goes on! Comparison! Its weird that people always compare themselves to someone who's above them (who are doing better/happier) but don't see people who are below them (who are in a worse condition).  Why not be thankful that you are not in a worse situation.

I always try to come out of a situation by telling myself that I am better off than so many people in this world. This morning I just didn't know how to come out of my gloomy mood, I hadn't slept all night thinking about something. A wasn't happy with me, he just reminded me about the people in Egypt who had to pack a suitcase and just leave the country, abandoning everything else. Well, that did the trick, I am fine now.

The same approach may not work for everyone. Few people feel better if they cry for few minutes/days and then they are fine. The key here is to come out of a bad/sad situation as soon as possible. We have to find what works for us; how well we convince ourselves "its ok, we can survive". I agree its not easy to just let go of things, but when we know worrying is not going to help solve the problem, its better to figure out a way to deal with it.

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