
Mar 24

Day 6 since I started the early morning walk.

Moment of the day - Early Morning in JN

Everything about an early morning is so refreshing - fresh air, coolness in the air, birds chirping sound, smell of flowers on the plants, v less vehicles, sight of green everywhere. The green part may be applicable to some parts of the city.  I realized today that every road in JN has plants/trees on both sides of the road. It is really a beautiful sight. The branches/leaves of the trees are so spread out that it feels like walking under a green pedestal :)

I love the fall colors on the trees in the US. One of my friends, when she moved to the US, had said that its so unfair God made colors(ed trees) only in the US, and not in India. I have to ensure I take her on a morning walk with me when she visits :p

I am so glad we live in JN, love this place. Its both residential and commercial. I would have preferred only residential. But both have their + and -. I get excited when my favorite store/restaurant opens up in JN, at the same time I don't feel too happy about JN getting crowded. Well, I don't have a choice.

Realized that I have a smile on my face after I finish writing a new post on the blog. So that's an indication I should blog everyday :) I have stopped fbing after I started blogging. A more than compensates me not being active on fb :)

Everyone, enjoy the morning freshness :D 
Its worth getting up early!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. yep i always loved JN..it is still one of my favorite spots in bangalore
