
Mar 26

Left for Doddamakali in Doss's innova - 6 of us + 3 kids. The drive was fun, with many stops. Took us 4 hours to reach the place. Its a 20 minutes slow drive from the main road. We had to drive down to the river side on a mud path with hairpin bends.

Headed directly to the dining hall from the car and had a yummy meal. Took rest for 5-10 min in the room, then got into the Cauvery river. It was awesome to be in the water as it was very sunny. Played in the water for 2 hours and later went on a small coracle ride just when it started raining. We rushed back to the rooms, changed and sat in the dining room chatting and munching on snacks. After dinner, headed back to the room. Kids were fast asleep by then. Played taboo, dumb charades, pictionary till late night.

Mar 27

Woke up around 5.30 in the morning. Weather was superb. We went near the water and sat/ took pictures, roamed around for sometime. Woke D's family, had tea and started our trek at 7.10 am.

The trek was amazing. We had to climb a steep mountain and then walk along the river. Awesome view of Cauvery river and the valley, we enjoyed the trek. We came down and sat on the rocks where there were rapids of water flowing. Sat for around 30 min on the rocks with our feet in the water. Headed back, this time on a different route. We took the path alongside the river ( didn't climb the mountain). It was very steep, just place enough for one foot, it was very adventurous :) And we had to climb a ladder, the foot of which was deep inside water and jump on to the next rock. That was scary!

We got back to the resort by 9am. Had lemon juice, yummy breakfast, and tea. The boys went on the big hammock, I put my feet up on the small one. After some time, jumped into the water and stayed there for few hours. After we got out, we were all tired, had a shower and sat down at the dining hall drinking cold beer! After dinner we left the place around 2.30-3.

Doddamakali is a beautiful place - serene, calm, green! They have very few tents, so its not at all crowded. Had loads of fun :) Thanks Doss and Kumars family.


  1. We should try and go back and book all the cottages sometime :)
    Nice blog :)

  2. The photographs are breathtaking. Nice click! We had been to Dodamakali and stayed overnight at the Doddamakali Nature Camp My kids enjoyed the coracle ride and the campfire at the Nature Camp
