Its all about Cricket

Mar 31, 7.45am

Yes!! Yes!! India won the semi-finals of the world cup match against pak :) What a feeling :D

Moment of the week is - Bajji taking Afridi's wicket :D

I can't believe the way our whole nation is addicted to this sport :) Companies have declared half day holiday. I worked from home first half, and took off 2nd half. Superb match!! The key was winning the toss and batting first. The pressure is too much for any team to chase anything more tht 250. So 260 was a good score by India. Wish Sachin could reach 100, it would have been his 100th 100. He scored 85 and really got out after getting 6 life savers, pak players missing 4 catches, 1lbw and 1stump. Sehwag gave India a good start by hitting 21 runs in one of the overs!

After the initial 8 point run rate, the ball started to turn, and the run rate came down, but it never went below 5. Yuvi getting bowled out on his first ball was a disappointment as he had played so well all the previous matches. And that too at his home ground. Raina helped India reach 260 runs!

Pak started their innings by hitting 4. Initially they hit many 4s. Then when they were around 40, the first wicket fell, taken by zaheer. That was the kick-start our bowlers needed :), all the 5 bowlers played really well. Ashish Nehra, Zaheer Khan, Harbhajan Singh, Yuvraj Singh, Munaf Patel. Each one took important wickets (2wickets each), fielding was good, hardly any wide/no-balls. India deserved to win :D And we WON!! Last 3-2 overs pak started hitting 6s and 4s, but they didn't have wickets at hand. 49.5 overs, last but one ball, Zaheer took the last wicket. India finished by taking all the 10 wickets.

Lalalalalalaaaaa :)


Mar 30, 7.00 am

I have developed a new fascination for trees. I always loved nature, but didn't pay too much attention to the details of plants and flowers. Now whenever I see a tree, I am so fascinated by its enormousness, greenness, the way the branches spread out, the different kinds that exist, the uniqueness, the oldness, the strength, the calmness, the shade that it provides, the way it beautifies the road and in turn the city.

I feel like capturing each and every tree in a camera even though a camera cannot justify the beauty.

Its amazing to just look at an age old tree. Its tough even to imagine how the 100 years old tree has survived all these years. I wish I had planted a sapling when I was a kid and seen it grow :) I can do it even now, have to find a place, hmm. Appa keeps telling stories about all the trees/plants in our house. I would love to do the same to my kids/grand kids :p :p

So while writing this blog today, I found a new project - to find what kind of tree I want to plant, and a place for it!

Moment of the day 1 - Sunrise
Everyday I watch the sunrise during my walk, and sunset from my bus :) Both are gorgeous!

Moment of the day 2 - Having spice cinnamon tea with our lovely plants in the balcony :)


Mar 26

Left for Doddamakali in Doss's innova - 6 of us + 3 kids. The drive was fun, with many stops. Took us 4 hours to reach the place. Its a 20 minutes slow drive from the main road. We had to drive down to the river side on a mud path with hairpin bends.

Headed directly to the dining hall from the car and had a yummy meal. Took rest for 5-10 min in the room, then got into the Cauvery river. It was awesome to be in the water as it was very sunny. Played in the water for 2 hours and later went on a small coracle ride just when it started raining. We rushed back to the rooms, changed and sat in the dining room chatting and munching on snacks. After dinner, headed back to the room. Kids were fast asleep by then. Played taboo, dumb charades, pictionary till late night.

Mar 27

Woke up around 5.30 in the morning. Weather was superb. We went near the water and sat/ took pictures, roamed around for sometime. Woke D's family, had tea and started our trek at 7.10 am.

The trek was amazing. We had to climb a steep mountain and then walk along the river. Awesome view of Cauvery river and the valley, we enjoyed the trek. We came down and sat on the rocks where there were rapids of water flowing. Sat for around 30 min on the rocks with our feet in the water. Headed back, this time on a different route. We took the path alongside the river ( didn't climb the mountain). It was very steep, just place enough for one foot, it was very adventurous :) And we had to climb a ladder, the foot of which was deep inside water and jump on to the next rock. That was scary!

We got back to the resort by 9am. Had lemon juice, yummy breakfast, and tea. The boys went on the big hammock, I put my feet up on the small one. After some time, jumped into the water and stayed there for few hours. After we got out, we were all tired, had a shower and sat down at the dining hall drinking cold beer! After dinner we left the place around 2.30-3.

Doddamakali is a beautiful place - serene, calm, green! They have very few tents, so its not at all crowded. Had loads of fun :) Thanks Doss and Kumars family.


Mar 25

Today has to be about cricket! India won the world cup quarter finals against the 3 times champions Australia :) It was a close match. Aussie batted first and scored 260. I was back home on time to watch India batting. Sehwag and Tendulkar opened the innings. Sachin hit a 50+ and completed 18000 runs in his ODI career!! That's amazing. He's the highest scorer in the world. I admire him, what he has achieved is commendable.

As I am writing this I am having multiple thoughts on 'achievement'. Each person has his/her own definition. There are so many different awards in this world, in every field. How do we decide between different fields/areas. A good famous actor is also called a great achiever, a great doctor, a good sportsman also the same. One entertaining people, one saving lives. I read in one of my friend's blog --each day has to be spent by giving to this world, twice for those who cannot give (as they are struggling for ends to meet) -- Its been on my mind since then. I would define any person who does something for another human being as an achiever. And a person with a disability who meets his day to day needs happily is also a achiever in my eyes. So, if I go by my theory, each and every person is capable of doing something great. According to me there is nothing greater than helping people.

I always quote this to C - 'Charity begins at home'. Start off at home, then extend it to your external family/friends, neighborhood, city, country.

Coming back to the match, India were down 5 wickets when they still needed 100+ runs. Yuvraj and Raina played really well under immense pressure and India WON! I was so nervous to get excited even when they hit 4s. Started yelling when 15 runs were required, I was sure India is going to stay in the world cup :D. Yuvraj was the man of the match. Hes one player who is very aggressive. I feel sports requires aggression in a person to some extent.

Moment of the day - Sun Rise - one of the best I have seen, exact circle of reddish orange sun behind lot of trees :) Perfect!


Mar 24

Day 6 since I started the early morning walk.

Moment of the day - Early Morning in JN

Everything about an early morning is so refreshing - fresh air, coolness in the air, birds chirping sound, smell of flowers on the plants, v less vehicles, sight of green everywhere. The green part may be applicable to some parts of the city.  I realized today that every road in JN has plants/trees on both sides of the road. It is really a beautiful sight. The branches/leaves of the trees are so spread out that it feels like walking under a green pedestal :)

I love the fall colors on the trees in the US. One of my friends, when she moved to the US, had said that its so unfair God made colors(ed trees) only in the US, and not in India. I have to ensure I take her on a morning walk with me when she visits :p

I am so glad we live in JN, love this place. Its both residential and commercial. I would have preferred only residential. But both have their + and -. I get excited when my favorite store/restaurant opens up in JN, at the same time I don't feel too happy about JN getting crowded. Well, I don't have a choice.

Realized that I have a smile on my face after I finish writing a new post on the blog. So that's an indication I should blog everyday :) I have stopped fbing after I started blogging. A more than compensates me not being active on fb :)

Everyone, enjoy the morning freshness :D 
Its worth getting up early!!


Mar 22, 7.45 am

Had a great weekend. Went on a bike ride from 6.30 to 10 with a stop for breakfast at Cafe Terra, our favorite breakfast place in Blore. Belgian waffles, Spinach and cheese crepe are our favorites with banana walnut cake and potatoes. I love watching the road and reading Calvin and Hobbes, sipping my tea from the window seat :)

Started something new last weekend - family lunch! Around 20 of us - mom's siblings and my cuzs - went out for lunch to 1947 for the first time. Plan to do this once in every 2 months.

I read Sai Satcharitra every morning. I came across an interesting point -

The mind cannot stop thinking even for a minute. The mind takes whatever you feed it. The book says, feed your mind with thoughts of Guru. We can interpret Guru as anything. It can be hope, positive thought, good deed, energy etc. The key is to consciously feed our mind with happy thoughts. If we don't, its natural for the mind to wander away! 


Mar 19

Very happy with my Saturday!

Woke up at 6.45 am, started walk at 7.10 am, stopped at a friend's place, had Upahara darshini idli/vada while chatting at their house, came back walking at 8.30 am. It reminded myself how much I love walking.  I like looking at different kinds of houses that we pass. Saw many new places that have come up. Should explore more roads.

Took a shower, got the house cleaned and left for Amma's house. Had a strong cup of coffee with Pune chiwda and chit-chat with mom. Superb heavy lunch, a quick nap and back home completed the first half of the day. I had piled up things all around the house during last few weeks. Turned on the music channel on tv and started putting things in place. It was time for my tea. Made myself spice cinnamon tea which I had in the balcony. Thats my favorite - having tea sitting outside with a view of the greenery in front of our house, listening to birds, watching the squirrel :) I had once told someone that I like anything that's green. I just LOVE nature!

We have few potted plants on the balcony. I want to get into gardening sometime and get my hands dirty.

I had some relaxing time at home after a long time. I needed that. Evening headed out for a movie 'The Switch' with my friend. Dinner at Sukh.

Moment of the day:
Tree blooming with pink flowers.

While walking on the road, I lifted my head and saw a huge tree in front of me that was filled with light pink flowers! It was a beautiful/pleasant sight, made me so happy  :)

Little things

Mar 18

Was thinking about "My moment" for today during my ride back home from work. Couldn't think of any, but was sure of finding it before 12 :)

It was when I heard a song by Zac Brown Band, in the car, on our way to ubcity.

And it's funny how it's the little things in life that mean the most
Not where you live, what you drive
or the price tag on your clothes
There's no $ sign on a peace of mind
this I have come to know
So if you agree have a drink with me
Raise your glasses for a toast

The song is called "Chicken Fried", I wasn't paying much attention till I heard the above words :)

You know I like my chicken fried
A cold beer on a Friday night
A pair of jeans that fit just right
And the radio up_ _ _

Enjoy the little things, the bigger things will take care of itself!

Had a great Friday night. SkyYe Bar rocks! Its on the 16th floor, great view of the city, had a lovely time.


Let me start off by quoting the 'Moment of the Day'
Smell of coffee 

It may sound crazy, but here is how it started!
I was reading 'Moonlight becomes you' by mary higgins clarke in the morning bus. Maggie from the book stops by at a breakfast place to have coffee. And yes the crazy me starts dreaming about coffee. That's one weird character in me, if I read/hear/see something edible I start drooling :p

I LOVE the smell of coffee :) I used to get up at richardson house to the smell of coffee and the sound that it makes while boiling in the coffee-maker. I really loved that. And I wasn't working then, so I used to sit and enjoy my morning cup of coffee, sitting in the small sit-out.

My favorite coffee place in the US is STARBUCKS! Love the coffee there. I used to have starbucks coffee everyday at home. Enjoyed the McDonalds coffee also which was next to our house at a petrol bunk - egg and cheese mcgriddle with coffee to-go on our road trips.

Back in India, I LOVE the coffee my mom makes. Saturdays are my coffee mornings :), I get up to the smell of coffee at my mom's house.

I like spending time at coffee shops. Costa is one place I have started to like here. Reading a book, drinking coffee in a coffee shop = perfect :) 

Barnes and Nobles in the US, another favorite place!

World Cup - Cricket

Mar 13

My first cricket match in a stadium :) And a world cup match! At chinnaswamy stadium, Bengalooru.

I enjoyed completely :) Australia playing against Kenya - group A match. India is under group B. It was fairly crowded and hence the atmosphere was great! The match started off at 2.30pm with Australia batting first. They scored 324 in 50 overs. Odhoyo and Patel were the favorites on our side of the stadium as they were fielding. It was so much fun to cheer them. Patel is very shy, and he was getting embarassed each time we cheered for him :D It was awesome to see Patel take a catch right in front of us :D Odhiambo bowling, Patel took Michael Clarke's wicket! And Odhoyo's fielding was good to watch, though not enough to defeat Australia.

The day ended with dinner at Toscanos at UB city! With cousin and Latchu. Bruchetta, salad, pizza, ravioli and white wine sula to wash down the cheese, Kaluah mousse for dessert and an espresso single shot made the day perfect! I love Italian food with wine :) And coffee at the end :)

So I had 3 moments for today!!!

Bike Ride

Mar 13
On a Sunday morning!

Started off at 6 am, Kanakapura road, Nice road, Tumkur road, Nelamangala highway back to the city, Yeshwantpur, Malleshwaram, home.

Early morning vendors on the streets getting ready to sell, slightly cold breeze, music on the mp3, open fields surrounding nice road, birds flying, sun rise, lake view, our shadows on the hillock, railway station traffic, colorful flowers inside city, idli vada at veena stores, masala dosa, coffee at ctr, home by 9.

THE MOMENT of the day - a small single bird flying above, along with us - such a pleasant sight :)

I feel I should capture a 'moment of the day' daily before I goto sleep :)

Snap Out

What do we do when things don't happen the way we want? Simple answer is 'accept it and move on with life'. Wish its as simple as it sounds!

Usually there are 100s of thoughts that follow - why did it happen this way, why did it happen to me, is god punishing me for something I did, everything goes so smooth for him/her - list goes on! Comparison! Its weird that people always compare themselves to someone who's above them (who are doing better/happier) but don't see people who are below them (who are in a worse condition).  Why not be thankful that you are not in a worse situation.

I always try to come out of a situation by telling myself that I am better off than so many people in this world. This morning I just didn't know how to come out of my gloomy mood, I hadn't slept all night thinking about something. A wasn't happy with me, he just reminded me about the people in Egypt who had to pack a suitcase and just leave the country, abandoning everything else. Well, that did the trick, I am fine now.

The same approach may not work for everyone. Few people feel better if they cry for few minutes/days and then they are fine. The key here is to come out of a bad/sad situation as soon as possible. We have to find what works for us; how well we convince ourselves "its ok, we can survive". I agree its not easy to just let go of things, but when we know worrying is not going to help solve the problem, its better to figure out a way to deal with it.

Good times

Mar 6, 7.25 pm

Back in Bangalore, on our way home in the volvo.


Awesome trip to Pune

Great time with family and AAA :)

There's so much to write about many people I have interacted with over the last few days!

Let me start off with the triplets AAA. We were with them when they were born, in Dallas. They are 5 years now! They are soo adorable! Very well behaved, v smart, interested in everything, and the cutest! Hats off to the parents who have raised them so well.

Had a memorable time in Pune. S and G are interesting people. They travel a lot, do lot of outdoor activities with the kids. Some topic came up about S giving a talk for women's day, and I felt she should talk about herself. She's instilled a very positive attitude in the kids, loves travel and writing, likes to learn/try out new things and very knowledgeable. Impressive :)

I am glad that I get to spend time with different people. I get to learn something from each person :)


March 4

Reached Pune shivajinagar bus stand at 12.45pm. Took an auto to cousin's place. Yummy meal was waiting for us at cousin's place. Had a great lunch, played with the triplets, went to 'Shaniwarwada', ate snacks at Vaishali, did some street shopping, watched one hour of 'light and sound' show at Shaniwarwada (from 8-9pm) about the history of Pune/Maharashtra (which was very interesting, learnt about Shivaji and Baji Rao ), picked up pizzas from Little Italy on our way back. Feeling full! Reading books to Adi who's sleeping with us :)


Sun Set in Pune

Light and Sound Show

March 5, night 2.30

Woke up at 6am today, waited till it got brighter and headed out for a walk. We climbed up a hill nearby where we had a beautiful view from the top. We sat down on a rock for sometime, watching the traffic on the bombay-pune expressway. We were back home by 8, had tea, played with the kids, took them to a nearby store-shrishti, bought gombe for dasara and a bag for mom, each costing 150rs :) and couple of small toys for the kids.

Visited SG's new house that's being constructed. Its a lovely place in a township with its own school.

Had lunch, mousi makes very yummy and healthy food-phulkas, 2 sabjis, dhal, rice and curds!

Sun Rise

View from the nearby hillock

Masala Chai at 4 in the hall where they have a nice view of the expressway and a hill, superb walk at the University of Pune (a beautiful 150years old campus in the middle of the city). G left for Dubai, we stayed home playing with the kids.

Adi slept with us reading a book on his own which was the cutest thing I have ever seen :) He's sooo adorable! Then we read to him before we slept.

University Walk

March 6

Woke up at 6.30 am, had planned for a morning walk/trek, but we just sat near the living room window, having tea watching traffic on the expressway. Loved doing that :) We sat there till 730, then Shef joined us, chatted. Had breakfast, quick bath and we 3 left for Bhaja caves, around 45minutes drive. Its about 7km before Lonavla. We crossed Malavli train station, passed many chai shops, vada pav shops and got down at the foot of the hills where the caves are located.

It was good weather, sunny, we climbed up the hill, bot tickets, Shef is a great guide, she explained how and why the caves were built. Basically king Ashoka sent his people/monks to spread buddhism all over india/sl. Monks had to keep roaming, but during rainy season they had to halt in some place. They were not supposed to stay in a village, so they found a place away from people/habitation. Since its human tendency to beautify the place they live in, they had carvings etc. Any buddhist place consists of 3 things - Chaitya (prayer hall), viharas (dorms to sleep) and Stupas (cylindrical structure with a rectangular structure on top where relics would be kept of the king/monk)

We explored the place for couple of hours, met a UK lady who works for Times paper on russia, sang with her, had pune kulfi and headed down. Down on the road, we had superb vada pava with chai which completed our Pune trip :)

Back in the apartment, we had lunch and played with the kids till we left for the airport around 3.30pm. The kids are so much fun to be with :) Adi made us read at least 20 books for him :D And the best narration was by Adi when he read a book on Rama and squirrel. He knows the book by heart and he reads thru the whole book. The cutest thing I have seen so far :)

Early Morning - View of the Bombay Pune Expressway


Room with bed

Kulfi near the caves

Vada Pav + Chai