
We have heard about an idle mind being called a devil's workshop.  

But what do we do when a mind is restless. There is always so much going on in the external world that our internal mind is bound to become restless. What does restless mean? A mind can be restless even when everything is going great in the external world. As we all know mind is very tricky. A restless mind is solid proof that happiness/peace/bliss is not at all dependent on how our life is; it is not dependent on whether things are going great or things are going haywire in our outside world. It is totally dependent on ourselves.

Why does restlessness even arise? It doesn't matter, because most of the time we may not be able to figure out any reason. So let it be, let the mind be. Restless is just one of the emotional state we go through along with millions of other states. And any state of mind is a result of all the thoughts that pass our mind. I have realized that there is one simple hack that will help us deal with any state of mind. 

Replacing any negative thought with an opposite positive thought. 

Replacing any thought that makes us sad/crazy/restless/etc with a counter thought. It may sound overwhelming at first, just the thought of replacing so many thoughts can sound crazy. But it is just one thought at a time. We are not unhappy or restless all the time, so it is only during the low times we have to replace the thoughts. Also, with time, it will come more naturally to us. It can be fun as well to see how easily we can change our mood just by replacing one thought. This hack, indirectly helps us in living in the moment. 

There is no harm in trying, so let us try it out and see if it works everytime 😍

Replacing a lower thought and taking action is even more effective

Turning complaints into gratitude!

We can either see the dirty water or choose to notice the beautiful flower

Making the best out of every single situation - it is possible

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