Good cheer

 The all-time popular holiday season is here - end of an year! Invokes a smile in most people when one thinks about Christmas and New Year. Joy is the highlight of all festivities everywhere in the world. 

But at the same time, just like everything else (everything that is good usually has a hidden/subtle downside to it), festivities can make one jittery or any other emotion possible. 

We have heard the proverb - one man's joy (gain/junk) is another man's sorrow (loss/treasure). While it may seem impossible to see a downside to a particular good thing, it is so important to be aware of it. I am definitely not saying that we have to look for a negative side to everything good. Definitely not! But just to be watchful of not letting our joy be a sorrow for another person. Yes, we can argue saying that it is not our problem if someone else is hurt or has issues. But as social animals, it will help in developing a kinder generation if we are aware and sensitive towards others. I won't go into the detials of how, as it totally depends on the situation/people. But we are smart enough to figure out!

As another year comes to an end, let's bring good cheer wherever we are, wherever we go. It is not easy, but let us try to pull in as many people as possible into our happiness bundle. Let us make an effort not to leave anyone behind. Yes, we cannot force anyone to feel a certain way, but isn't joy/happiness/excitement/cheer contagious? At some point it will rub off on others. 

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