Keep It Super Simple

Keep It Super Simple - love this saying!

Tryinggggggggggggggg 😊

Staring at the clean corner in the house, after cleaning up and wondering how long it will remain that way.

Watching sunrise, sunset, moon and just the plain sky.


Meeting relatives and friends.

Walks with friends.

Temple visit. 

Cherishing the teas, coffees and hot-chocolates at home.

Adorning our little Christmas tree. We got a small Christmas tree this year. My first tree and I was super excited! We set it up in the living room, adding home made decorations everyday. We got few basic things that are useful as gifts for maid aunty, cook aunty, driver uncle, gardener uncle and wrapped them in newspaper with names on it. It was fun to arrange the gifts below the tree and to make the Christmas ornaments and hang them on the tree to make it colourful. 

Keep it super simple!

Colour colour


Masala tea

Happy Happy 2024 😍

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