
 Try is all we need to do!

This is an amazing mantra for everything in life. Life is full of everything. Right? It has sweetness, sourness, bitterness, spicyness... And there are no immediate solutions in life, the solutions come, but at their own sweet time. But we all want instant solutions, instant gratifications, instant EVERYTHING! Sorry, life doesn't work that way at all. Give it time, have patience and life will be smooth - how do we do that? How do we wait patiently for something we have no idea about? There is a simple solution - it is the mantra - TRY TRY TRY - and - FORGET about it - only then can we see the magic unravel 😍😍😍

Honestly, there is absolutely no guarantee about anything in life. We know that, but still want to ensure that our future is certain - it is a paradox right? How many of us are comfortable with the word 'uncertainty'? 'Secure future' is what majority of us aim for! 

To easen up our lives the only thing we can do is trying - try and then move on. That means, we try and not bother about the result. I am referring to the smallest of small things here - not the big goals. Here are some examples - 

Try to wake up early tomorrow, if you can't, forget about it, try again the next day.

Try to call someone you want to talk to, if they don't answer, forget it, try again another day.

Try to clean the house, if you can't, obviously you had some other priority task (even if it is watching tv or sleeping - these were valid reasons and you needed it at that time), try again next day.

Try to eat healthy today, if you can't, try again tomorrow.

Try to meet a friend, if it doesn't work out, try another day or another friend or just meet with your best friend - yourself!

Above may be silly small things, but once we master the small things, we start applying them naturally to everything in our life.


We really need to remember that 

(1) trying is the only thing that we can do 

(2) it takes time and effort for the trying to become a reality 

(3) we try for one thing, but we may get something else (that is usually better than what we tried for)

(4) and most importantly, we try and then forget about it - if we don't forget about it, then we keep waiting for the result, we keep looking into the future, we get frustrated because we remember how many times we tried, we carry grudges, the list goes on. 

So forgetting helps in not giving a damn about the end result and just enjoying the process. 

Forgetting helps in trying every single time as if it was the first time and hence with fresh energy.

Let us TRY to make our lives a beautiful journey 😍 

I was telling my little one about something that happened today 26 years ago, and the immediate response I got was a sad expression. I told the exact same thing to my other kid and the immediate response was excitement because it has something that he loves even though it was related to the same event. It reminded me of what I keep telling them - 

There are always 2 choices in life - we can either choose to do something happily or  choose to do something sadly. 

We can choose to treat life as fresh, beautiful and magical or choose to look at life with sadness and pain. This is true for every single person in every single situation.

It is upto us!

It can look like just a bunch of dried up grass

Or it can appear as a golden glowing grass
that enhances the beauty of the whole area

Being in awe of everything 😄

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