
 This post is trigerred by an incident that happened recently. 

I am an over emotional person. So the 2 words - attachment and detachment keep playing with me. I have tried to understand how to love everything and still not be attached to anything. I met few young children recently and I won't be wrong if I say it was a huge experience for me, a life changing one perhaps. 

As soon as I smiled at the children, they showered so much love for the next few hours I was with them, that they literally swept me off my feet. They gave their 100%, hugged, played joyfully and showered pure unfiltered love on me (and everyone else). And when it was time for us to leave, they gathered together and bid goodbye with the exact same excitement they spent time with us. There was no sadness, no any form of resistance, but that same pure love while saying bye as well. It just left me stunned. May be people who are crazy emotional like me can relate to what I am saying, but I was already feeling a subtle tinge that I may never see these children again. 

But what a lesson they taught me! This is exactly what being attached and detached at the same time means! This is exactly how living in the moment means! This is exactly what just being really means! This is exactly what pure love means! A love that is so pure that it doesnot have anything other than just pure love - 

no baggage

no expectations

no pondering

no wondering

no analyzing

no duality


I guess children by their original nature follow the natural laws of life if we let them. 

Heres to pure blissful love always 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

Pure love wherever we are,

with strangers,


with friends

pure love = no fear

in any situation

with acquaintances

any colour

whether colourful

or white

It does not matter where we are or in which situation, let us just remember to shower pure love - love towards friends, family, strangers, acquaintances AND towards every situation and circumstances. Because this pure love is the only way towards pure thoughts, pure actions and pure joy!

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