Rain T Muffin

Rain, tea and home-made banana walnut muffin!!
What a combo :D

The weather is perfect, its evening time - so perfect time to have tea, and I see bananas lying on the dining table and my empty muffin tray on the center table. Just couldn't resist.

Plus no guilt trip! I have become a health freak over the last few years. Though that doesn't stop me from eating loads of junk food or desserts, I feel more happy when I know that what we are eating is a healthy food. We bought the microwave oven about 1 1/2 years back. And till now I had baked just once (almond biscotti). A's birthday was a motivation as I like to give surprises. It was a hit :) So this is the 2nd time I am making muffins in this month :)

I wanted to make more quantity this time as it got over in 5 minutes last time. So I put twice the measure for everything except butter. Here is the recipe from my friend Joe (with very very slight modifications) -
I put a small piece of butter in a vessel with powdered sugar (1 cup) and mixed it till it became a soft ball. I sliced 2 big bananas with a knife into this vessel and mashed and mixed it with the butter/sugar mix. Just added the remaining ingredients, broken walnuts and almonds (as I didn't have enough walnuts), 2 pinches baking powder, 1 spoon vanilla essence, a pinch of cinnamon powder, almost 2 cups full wheat flour (yes no maida!!) and mixed well by adding milk till it became a semi-solid paste. Buttered up the muffin tray and poured this mixture into the tray, while my oven was pre-heating for 10 minutes at 200 degrees. I left the tray inside the oven for about 12 - 17 minutes. And MUFFINS ready :D

Wow, I can't believe that it was so easy :) Since this is without egg, my in-laws also love it.

Such a healthy snack! Now I want to find out if Nutralite makes saltless butter :) And I want to bake more!

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