
Jul 6

I logged into the site, and saw that I had few incomplete drafts. It may not make sense to read now, but I just thought I will put it all together. Few weeks back A was telling me that my blogs/the way I write depicts my nature exactly. My blogs go all over the place, just like my mind - I just cannot concentrate on one thing at a time, always have 100s of things in my head, keeps jumping from one topic to another. 

Here are the snippets of my thoughts from random days

Jul 5, 11pm

I was about to hit bed, but couldn't resist the temptation to write down few words.

June was a good month. I would like to call it my fitness month, as I used to wake up and exercise almost everyday. Once I got into the routine, it became very easy for me to do it daily.

Started July with a trip to Pune. So definitely its going to be a great month :) Its time for me to execute the birthday "wishlist" (as I would like to call it) this month :D Rather than listing down the items, I want to write about it only after I do them. So good luck to me!!

June 18

Theres so much I feel like doing.

June 4

How do we define "right" and "wrong". Something came up yesterday, and usually my general reaction would be that it was so wrong. But without hesitation my mind said that theres nothing called right or wrong, its just the way one looks at something. I know its not that simple. But I am glad that I did not judge someone and just left it at that.

How can we define right and wrong, good and bad. I am referring to the smaller things here. At a bigger picture, we all know. hmmm..

May 2

Rain Rain, beautiful weather!!

Has been quite sometime since I keyed in few words. Feels like there are many things to write about. Am sitting in my favorite place, just had spice cinnamon chai. Finished reading a book - Chai by Jane Ainslie - a light read. A started his new job today. Its a brand new Monday,  :)

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