A Special Person

July 12

I am dedicating July 12th to my father in law. He completed 78 years :) We had a nice simple day. Morning lot of calls from relatives and friends, visits from his office friends, bouquets from many people, temple visits (Rama temple, Shankar Mutt) with his wife, lunch at home, more calls and wishes, evening Ganesha temple pooja with all of us, dinner at a restaurant called cable car! This has been the routine for last many years. On his 75th, he had a huge surprise - we had the dining table covered with 75 gifts :D, had written few words on similarities between A A and appa, qualities that we all admire about him etc. He LOVED each and everything that day :) He loves surprises, he loves just EVERYTHING!!

Once one of our friends had said that she will be the happiest if shes half as active as my FIL at that age. I agree with her. Hes so full of life. He is knowledgeable about anything and everything. And he is interested in almost everything in this world :D.

I dont want to sound like a kid whos writing an essay about her fil. But I had to write today, as theres so much to learn from him. I respect and admire appa a lot. Sometimes we find it hard to convince him to let us help him in few things, but we have to appreciate his enthusiasm towards life. Yes, that is the word, enthusiasm! I want to have his attitude and enthusiasm in everything I do. Everyone should :)

I can really go on and on writing about this. Happy Birthday Appa :)

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