My Favourite Sky

 In this post the pictures will convey what I want to say 😁😁😁

The below pictures were taken at the same time (within one minute), but each looks slightly different. Each one was taken at a different angle or a different spot. It is telling us that the view is the same for the whole universe, for everyone, but the way each one looks at the same view is different. I can say 'wow' or 'boring' or 'dull' or 'beautiful' or 'orange' or 'yellow' or 'blur' or 'just perfect'. 

You see, it totally depends on the person looking at it. The choice is always ours. We can choose the words, we can choose our narrative!

The below pictures were taken from the same spot but at an interval of few minutes. For me, it says that everything changes, nothing will remain the same. So when we are feeling low, remembering that the way we feel now will change soon can help us in living with the low (feeling) with ease. Similarly when we are feeling great, enjoying the feeling without getting attached to that feeling is important. Same holds good with any situation. Be patient and the situation will change. 


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