
 This morning, all of a sudden I started humming a Hindi song - raahi manva, dhukh ki chintha kyun sathathi hei, dukh tho apna saathi hei (loosely translated means fellow traveller, why does sadness bother you, sadness/pain is anyway our companion) - I have no idea why it came to my mind because I have not listened to this song for the past many years. 

After singing this song, I was smiling because it made so much sense.  The one thing we try to avoid is being sad (whether we acknowledge it or not). It is one of the main emotions that we want to run away from. Everything we do in life is to make sure we don't feel sad (consciously or sub consciously). So imagine befriending this one emotion - sadness. What does it even mean to befriend an emotion? I guess it means 

not to fear that emotion (not be afraid of sadness/pain)

not to ignore the emotion

not to run away from it

trying to understand the emotion

and finally

embrace it like we hug a loving friend 

When we do all of the above or at least one of the above, I feel that it will

 loosen the grip it has on us, 

 not overwhelm us, 

 not consume our entire mind and body

help in concentrating on other important things in life

and eventually

no amount or intensity of sadness will affect us!

This is just an example for one emotion, but it holds good for all kinds. Welcoming all emotions the same way, knowing that each emotion will come and go, come and go................................................................

A day filled with many emotions!
Trying my bit to welcome all of them the same way
Me, early morning, yoga, coffee, events, sky, walk, drive

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