
 What does letting go really mean?

LET GO is an age old mantra. Everyone says that is the only way! The mind knows it, but the heart clings on. And probably more when you are a parent. How much we want our child to do things our way, how we want to prevent them from getting hurt, how we want to ensure they never get hurt etc.. Is it possible to control so many things. In reality it is impossible. None of us like seeing our loved ones getting hurt, but it is impossible to make sure that they don't get hurt. It is so easy to forget that each individual has their own path carved out on which they have to walk. They cannot walk on a path we lay out for them even if it is our own child. 

A simple reminder everyday that everyone - our children, our parent, our sibling, our partner, our close friends - has to go though their OWN experiences will help us in letting go. A simple but tough reminder to ourselves that it is ok for our loved ones to get hurt, to feel the pain, to feel sad will go a long way in strengthening the bond with the loved one as it is the only way we can support them when they need us. Sometimes we may believe that we have the power to influence someone else's experiences for them if we tell them our experience or if we force them, but it does not happen that way. Of course if we have a trust worthy strong bond with our loved ones, they may approach us when they are ready (after going through an experience of their own), and that could open up oppurtunities to help or guide our loved ones. 

It is an individual journey! Once we accept this, we will let everyone be (including our children or especially our children). We will respect others for who they are instead of trying to change them.