A Few Steps


I know, I don't think I have written consecutively for 3 days. And its funny that most of my posts are written after a walk. 

As they all say, MIND is powerful! 

Even though I LOVE walking and know how I feel after the walk, I struggle to step out and go out. It had been a month since I exercised and that used to be at the back of my mind somewhere. I guess some kind of exercise or even something that we enjoy doing - walk/run/yoga/gym/sport/meditation/stepping out for a chore - can be anything - has become a necessity like brushing our teeth as our lifestyles are different now. Knowing this, we still have days where we cannot do that one thing we want to do or have to do. 

So the reason for this post is that I wanted to share how I am trying to beat this and ensure I step out. 

Just take a few steps till the ME point at the present moment and the rest will happen.  

ME point = These are the key steps, for example, if I want to go for a walk, I just have to walk till the door and put on my shoes. That is all I have to do. Once I have my shoes on, I will definetely go out and do whatever I want to.

If I want to do yoga or meditation, the ME point will be till the yoga mat. I just have to pick up the yoga mat and unroll it. Once the mat is on the floor, we will definetely sit on the mat and start right?

I feel that we can apply this ME point to anything we want to do. It is always those few seconds of one action that is the key (taking few steps till the door, taking few steps till the mat, walking till our alarm clock - not keeping the alarm clock/phone next to our bed - I keep mine in the living room so I get up and walk to turn it off,  walking till the bathroom and touching the toothbrush etc). Just thinking of the few steps and not the bigger picture of what I have to do later.

present moment = What I mean by this is to NOT think about that one thing I want to do for the remaining 23 hours. I guess this connects to my "new day" post. It is ok if I didn't wake up early, it is ok if I missed doing something one day, it is ok if I was lazy. But at the present moment, when I have the chance or time, just reach the ME point 😊

Just my two cents 😍😍😍 Hope we all can do that one thing we have to do or want to do - today and everyday!

1 comment:

  1. ME point! What a wonderful phrase for the idea. I resonated with this post as a similar theory has shaped in my head recently to get myself to doing those things which give me the most fulfilment but also need the greatest overcoming of inertia.
