Bold Beautiful


Two powerful words!

These two words have been stuck in my head since last few weeks. What does being bold mean and what does being beautiful mean? 

Makes me wonder if bold means having no fear, being courageous, brave, overcoming the fears in a graceful manner? 

And being beautiful means having absolute confidence in ourselves, trusting ourselves, being peaceful and that sense of calm and confidence and trust in ourselves radiates as outer beauty? 

Life is full of ups and downs, but being fearless, confident and at peace is what defines the path we take from any point. Fear is what stops us from doing things we really want to do. And confidence is all it takes to do anything we want to do. Being peaceful and calm gives us the courage to be confident.

So let us just try to be bold and beautiful in our own way every day and see how it goes :)

I guess we can be whoever/however we want to be 💓

1 comment:

  1. Yes,confidence makes one bold and the inner beauty reflects on a person's face and makes that person beautiful. The asanas must be able to do that to a person because yoga builds up a person internally.
