
I realized that I have been craving to write every single day. Something excites me about writing. So I guess I need to write frequently and if possible daily :D

I attended a session yesterday, where the agenda was to read a passage and discuss and introspect. We have these sessions regularly. Towards the end of the meeting I realized something about myself. 

I always try to understand or say or do things in a simple way. The reason for this could be my brain does not or cannot understand/assimilate complicated things. So the way I explain things are also only in simple terms. I try to take things at face value. I would like to lead a simple life, like olden times where there was no excess of anything. Whatever was needed was what we had. 

There were limited things at home, limited means of travel, limited knowledge about various things (it was nice that if one wanted to know about something, they had to make an effort to fetch the book, or someone who could explain to them or through real time observations) and even in the relationships the expression of love was in limited editions :D Isn't it? Did people in general shower love excessively? Wasn't it expressed in a subtle way? :) I am not saying there is anything wrong in showering love, but they did what they truly meant.

Of course life was not a bed of roses even earlier. I am just trying to emphasize the beauty in simplicity :) Keeping every aspect of life simple will help in keeping fewer things in our head, isn't it? Yes, there are external factors that prevent us from leading a "simple" life. But we can try from our end and leave the rest. 

What is your definition of simple or simplicity? I would like to hear about it, please leave a comment :)


  1. Very well written.Yes,I belong to the generation which has seen and led simple lives.Lot of peace and child like happiness prevailed then.But I guess we should not complain because change is inevitable.

  2. Agree totally Ramya! Sometimes just imagine all of us just listening to the radio... no TV even....there’s a special bonding there.

  3. You have shown your simplicity in such simple way Ramya. Lot of changes have happened but regular decluttering in both physical and mental spaces makes life simple. I am trying my best on this.

  4. Beautifully written Ramya...Even I believe that beauty lies in simplicity.. I really enjoy reading your blogs because they are so sweet and simple.. Keep writting..

  5. Beautifully written Ramya.. Even I believe that beauty lies in simplicity.. I really love reading your blogs because they are so sweet and simple..Keep writting.

  6. I agree with you Ramya. I have experienced that having minimum possessions around and minimum thoughts within releases us from many bondages...Being free is being in bliss..
