Knowing Ourselves

It is amazing how very little most of us know about ourselves. We may not agree to it, or realize this truth till one moment it just pops out and stares at us and we are forced to see it.

This happened to me two days back. I was having a conversation with a friend and a casual remark made me think about one of my traits.  I was initially taken aback that I was a certain way, but gradually I understood why I was that way, and suddenly I was able to let go and change that in myself. Many times all it takes is to put words to our thoughts, either by talking to someone or writing them down or even by hearing our thoughts through someone else - a friend/relative/stranger/movie/play/book. I have always felt that we learn every single day. Everything teaches us something, whether its an incident, or a person, or even an observation. We just have to be alert to the happenings, our actions and to our thoughts. 

Don't we all agree that knowing ourselves is very important. We generally tend to look at ourselves in the best form, even in our mind. If you don't agree with me, just give it a thought. Don't we like to think we are right most of the time? Do we agree easily with others when they say something about us? Do we take criticism well? Do we introspect regularly? These can be few indicators about how open we are to understand ourselves. 

At the end of the end, we are answerable to ourselves. I feel that if we know ourselves well enough, then it is easier to deal with whatever life throws at us, isn't it? I love what Sadhguru has said -  "If you are alone and feeling bored or miserable or sad, then that means you are in bad company" :) 

So here's to knowing ourselves a little better each day, to realize our strengths, recognize our weaknesses, understand our struggles, empathize with our pains, laugh at the silliness and above all be wowed by ourselves!

Am in love with these words and want to remind myself about this everyday :)
And it is in line with the trigger of my thoughts for this post and hence the picture :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good one Ramya.Contrary to what you have said,I used to underestimate myself,feel low and worthless.You are,in many ways responsible to introduce myself to my own self.You could see the goodness in me and expressed it .That made me think and I have begun to love myself.I am at peace with myself now.Thanku dear.

  3. Good one.I have learnt to love myself as I am.Contrary to what you said,I used to underestimate myself,feel low and worthless.Its only after introspection I realised many things and am now at peace and generally happy.You have put across your thoughts beautifully Ramya.
