Knowing Ourselves

It is amazing how very little most of us know about ourselves. We may not agree to it, or realize this truth till one moment it just pops out and stares at us and we are forced to see it.

This happened to me two days back. I was having a conversation with a friend and a casual remark made me think about one of my traits.  I was initially taken aback that I was a certain way, but gradually I understood why I was that way, and suddenly I was able to let go and change that in myself. Many times all it takes is to put words to our thoughts, either by talking to someone or writing them down or even by hearing our thoughts through someone else - a friend/relative/stranger/movie/play/book. I have always felt that we learn every single day. Everything teaches us something, whether its an incident, or a person, or even an observation. We just have to be alert to the happenings, our actions and to our thoughts. 

Don't we all agree that knowing ourselves is very important. We generally tend to look at ourselves in the best form, even in our mind. If you don't agree with me, just give it a thought. Don't we like to think we are right most of the time? Do we agree easily with others when they say something about us? Do we take criticism well? Do we introspect regularly? These can be few indicators about how open we are to understand ourselves. 

At the end of the end, we are answerable to ourselves. I feel that if we know ourselves well enough, then it is easier to deal with whatever life throws at us, isn't it? I love what Sadhguru has said -  "If you are alone and feeling bored or miserable or sad, then that means you are in bad company" :) 

So here's to knowing ourselves a little better each day, to realize our strengths, recognize our weaknesses, understand our struggles, empathize with our pains, laugh at the silliness and above all be wowed by ourselves!

Am in love with these words and want to remind myself about this everyday :)
And it is in line with the trigger of my thoughts for this post and hence the picture :)


I realized that I have been craving to write every single day. Something excites me about writing. So I guess I need to write frequently and if possible daily :D

I attended a session yesterday, where the agenda was to read a passage and discuss and introspect. We have these sessions regularly. Towards the end of the meeting I realized something about myself. 

I always try to understand or say or do things in a simple way. The reason for this could be my brain does not or cannot understand/assimilate complicated things. So the way I explain things are also only in simple terms. I try to take things at face value. I would like to lead a simple life, like olden times where there was no excess of anything. Whatever was needed was what we had. 

There were limited things at home, limited means of travel, limited knowledge about various things (it was nice that if one wanted to know about something, they had to make an effort to fetch the book, or someone who could explain to them or through real time observations) and even in the relationships the expression of love was in limited editions :D Isn't it? Did people in general shower love excessively? Wasn't it expressed in a subtle way? :) I am not saying there is anything wrong in showering love, but they did what they truly meant.

Of course life was not a bed of roses even earlier. I am just trying to emphasize the beauty in simplicity :) Keeping every aspect of life simple will help in keeping fewer things in our head, isn't it? Yes, there are external factors that prevent us from leading a "simple" life. But we can try from our end and leave the rest. 

What is your definition of simple or simplicity? I would like to hear about it, please leave a comment :)


Is there anything called a "selfless act"? Don't we all do something for others or help out someone because it makes us feel good? Gives us a sense of satisfaction?

Many years ago, when I was in college I was browsing tv channels, and I casually stopped to hear a lady in a white saree (I know now that it was B.K.Shivani) say these words "don't ever say that I am doing this for you to anyone, because, you are doing something for another person ONLY because it is making you feel good". And that stuck in my head. So true right? Are we living in an illusion that we are doing something for others to please them, whereas in reality we help others to make ourselves look good? Isn't it a feel good factor? Does it make us feel less guilty about enjoying the good things we have that others don't have? I am definitely not undermining the goodness behind serving/helping others. It is a great asset in anyone to be compassionate towards others and to help out. But let us retrospect :)

Hutridurga trek

Let me first write the highlights of this trip, as I am not able to zero in on one :)
- First trek for my little one
- First long drive in my car 

Though just two highlights, I am way too excited about both. Though it was the first trek for my younger one, every time we go on a trek I am bursting with excitement! There is something so special in nature and just being outdoors. Oh I forgot one more highlight 

- Wearing shoes for the first time in 4 months :D :D

We were 10 of us heading out in 2 cars after having breakfast at home. We left around 9am. The original plan was to go to Haddinakallu and climb the hill and reach the Anjaneya temple on top. This place is around 110 km from Bangalore. We took the outer ring road and joined NH 75, continued on to NH 75 after crossing Nelamangala. The road is amazing once we cross Nelamangala. I was very comfortable driving on the highway, was totally in the moment  enjoying the scenary! It was beautiful, with the views out of a postcard. 

The Drive :)

We stopped for 5 minutes for a quick coffee break! Bless my cousin who had got hot filter coffee in the flask :) We hit the road and continued on NH 75 crossing Kunigal. We took a right turn to enter the arch leading us to Haddinakallu. Well, as soon as we reached the foothills, we were told that trekking was not allowed that day. But none of us were disappointed, I guess just the company and the outing, the drive had energized us a lot. My cousin quickly searched for another place to trek nearby and we decided to head to Hutridurga in Santhepete, which was around 50km from Haddinakallu.

Haddinakallu arch

Haddinakallu Anjaneya temple 

We left Haddinakallu at 12 and started driving towards Hutridurga. It took us one hour to reach the starting point of the trek. We had to drive some stretch up the hill on a muddy road full of stones. Again my first in my car, was fun :)

Starting point

After gearing up and having a banana each, we all started climbing the hills. It was sunny and nice! 

The Rainbow

Love this Rainbow

The kids were on their own running up, though the climb was steep. There were few small streams running down and we were able to splash water on our face/hands to cool ourselves. 

We could see the ruins of the fort on top. This fort was built by Kempegowda and was used by Tippu Sultan while fighting the British. It is one of the nine hill forts surrounding Bangalore also called the Nava Durgas (Savanadurga, Nandi hills, Devarayanadurga, Huliyurdurga, Channarayanadurga, Kabbaladurga, Makalidurga, Byaravadurga are the other eight). Now I feel like visiting all the other forts :)

It took us around 1 1/2 hours to reach the top. We sat on the big rock looking at the beautiful sight. It was lovely to sit/lie down and relax. The biscuits and apple was refreshing and gave us energy. A cool breeze had started to blow. 


:D :D :D

We got up to go to the other side of the hill where the temple of Shiva was located. Though the temple was closed, we got a good darshan of the Shiva linga. The light breeze had become a stronger wind and we could barely stand straight. It was amazing to stand and look around. We spent sometime here taking in the view and clicking pictures.

We could see dark clouds far away. So we started our hike down. It was a pleasant descent with the wind pushing us down :D

Getting down

Overall it was a 5 km trek which we all loved!

It was around 4.30 by the time we got down. We had packed cup noodles and gojjavalakki which we gobbled up. Finally it was time to leave and head back home. 

The drive back was also beautiful, and the hot coffee and kashaya from a small hattikapi truck refreshed us to drive aaramse :)

An amazing trip and amazing company. Thanks R, K, R, S, P, A, S for the lovely trek and drive :) Looking forward to more treks with kids :D