Smaller steps

Just finished playing squash!
My hands are shaking while I type :p

As I have mentioned earlier, I like to bring in variety to my exercise. I don't go to any class, so I have to motivate myself to exercise at home. And its very easy to be lazy and sleep that extra hour in the morning and I am not a evening-exercise person. I have few dvds, that help me exercise. Its like someone is teaching the steps. Even though I know the steps, I need someone to walk me thru. I like do Surya Namaskaras once a week. I don't have a DVD for this and so I have do it on my own.

So every time I start SN, I have a number in mind. Usually it is 20 or 25 SN. I do one or two, and my mind wanders away, I stop to take a break etc. And the thought that I still have to do so many SN doesn't motivate me enough. So now, when I start off, I tell myself that I will do 5 SN, after I complete , I feel that I can do 5 more and so on. The result is, I end up doing 20 or 25 and I am very happy :)

The reason the above theory works for me is because I am breaking up one huge task into smaller ones. And I also tell myself that I can take a small break after I do 5 SN continuously. This made me think about life as a big picture, and how we can apply the same theory for everything in life! If we start thinking about any huge task/goal in our life, it may seem scary. We can start wondering what/how/where we will do something. But once we break that 'something' into smaller tasks/versions/pieces it will not look very scary, and it will seem doable. And as we achieve those smaller tasks, it gives us confidence to move ahead. 

One more key thing will be to take breaks often. This will motivate and re-energize us to go forward with more enthusiasm.

Thats it for today :) Have a great day!

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