My Excitement

Need to clear my thoughts. Whenever I am too happy or excited, I just have to share it with the world. Thats my nature, don't know if its good or bad! And its interesting to see each and every person react in a different way. Earlier it used to bother me if someone did not react the way I expected them to. But today I find it plain interesting :)

I am one person who gets excited about every little thing, about every good thing that happens to me, to my family, my friends and acquaintances. And I express my excitement out to the world. I have realized that very very few people get so excited. Sometimes it makes me wonder if something is wrong with me. A always says that I need to be more balanced, I goto extreme zone, both ways, when I am happy and when I am sad. I am still trying to achieve that balance. I guess its about controlling the thoughts.

Being more calm, not getting agitated, doing the things that one enjoys doing, being disciplined - these are the basic things that will help in controlling the mind. Just my thought :)

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