A Walk in the Garden

Am returning to my favorite topics - walk, greenery and my city :)

Ever since I walked in Lalbagh during my bday weekend, I have been planning to get into the routine of walking here few times a week. I finally started off this Sunday!

Started my walk at 7.30am. Lalbagh is one of the most beautiful places in Bangalore. And morning times are the best - lovely weather, fresh air, birds flying around, young and old people jogging and walking, huge old trees everywhere, serene lake in the center! The brisk walk for 60 minutes felt so good. The lone time with nature for an hour rejuvenated me :)

I did not listen to music, wasn't talking on the phone, not dreaming about anything - it was just pure walk :) I now realize that I was observing everything around me, all the while taking in the beauty. My fil always comes back from his walk with a smile on his face and never forgets to say that hes "nicely tired". I think I felt the same way this time :)

Moment of the day -  Planting a tomato sapling at home!

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