Benefit of doubt

Benefit of the doubt!!

This is such a powerful sentence.

Many times I get stuck when it comes to understanding people. Other people's behavior does affect me. And I end up wondering and analyzing the situation. Such a waste of time! And I always struggle to come out of the mood. Today I found a simple solution to deal with it. If and only IF I start giving the benefit of doubt to the other person I can lead my life very peacefully. Everyone has their own problems and reasons for all their actions. Instead of trying to analyze or understand or being angry at a person's action, its best to think that they had a genuine reason for it and just move on. It may not be that easy, but it worked like magic for me.

Today, I was thinking about something, and trying hard to act as if it had not happened. Ohhh but my mind!! And then I heard this phrase - always give benefit of the doubt to the other person . As soon as I digested this sentence, I felt so light because I started implementing it. Life would be so much more pleasant if all of us followed it :)

Happy Saturday :)

1 comment:

  1. I got Dr Johnson email address from an article I read about ways to help urination problems with BPH, and what the person said your drug combination does almost sounds to good to be true. but I'm at a point that I had to write him, and find out more. I have BPH, and have had since around mid 2013 as best I remember, but it's believed to partly due to nerve damage from a giant Tarlov Cyst on my S2 nerve root. We found the cyst on 7/2/14 after a 5 month hunt for the cause of what started out as severe dizziness, blurriness, and major headaches, and the hunt began on 2/2/14 which was the first day that I was unable to work, because I was a Truck Driver, and you can't drive an 80,000 pound rig when it feels like you're drunk all of the time, and that day was ultimatly the first day of my disability.I have taken different medications, but no solution, I take Alfuzosin 10 mg twice a day and for a great long time I had hardly any problems, and then it got to where if I didn't go within 10 to 15 minutes of the first feeling that I'm going to need to go soon I would end up sitting on the toilet for 45 minutes to an hour just releasing a little bit. so I contacted Dr Johnson, and I used his product for a month, but will always advice you take it for a month and half to get a complete cure. any one with similar issues can contact him on
