
A beautiful place, beautiful homestay, beautiful people :) That describes our trip!

We left Blore Thursday afternoon in one car - 5 adults and 2 kids. Stopped at Coffee day for tea and restroom break and reached Chikmagalur around 8pm. The Woodway homestay is about 14km from the town. It is one of the most beautiful places I have visited. I have to write about this place. Its owned by one of our close friends. This was the house they grew up in which is now converted to a homestay, so it adds more to the beauty. Its nice to see how well my friend has developed this place over the last 8 years. We can see coffee plants all around the house. The food was yummy, what more do we need on a vacation :)

The weather was perfect, slightly cold and slightly sunny. We woke up early the next morning and had a fresh cup of coffee - coffee from the estate. Had a heavy breakfast of neer dosa and stew with toast, papaya and coffee. 2 more friends joined us from Blore making the group bigger. We spent the rest of the morning lazing around. After a heavy lunch we headed out towards the Muthodi forest. We drove in the friend's open jeep. It was an awesome safari, driving in the midst of the thick forest, with different shades of green everywhere. We spotted many deer, langur, wild goat and the huge gaur being the highlight of the safari! We saw it twice, first was on the side of the mud path we were driving on, just a few feet away. It just stared at us and disappeared. On our return journey, it got dark and the gaur appeared right in front of our jeep. It was very cool to watch the animal from such a close distance. Seeing the lights it ran off to the side, though I guess it was watching us in the dark.

We headed back to the homestay, all of us hungry and thirsty. We had yummy starters waiting for us in the kitchen, my favorite being pineapple and cheese. Thanks Su :) And it was dancing time in the colorful disco light which a friend had got :)

Next day was a bright and sunny day, we went for a small walk near the estate. Its just peaceful to listen to the sounds of nature and look at the greenery. I think I can just sit and read a book there for a long long time without getting bored. 

After a debate on what to do that morning, few of us headed out to a place near Chikmagalur for white water rafting in Bhadra river, which is about 90 minutes drive. The drive itself is very scenic. Its on the way to Horanadu and Kudremukh. The Bhadra river is beautiful! Wearing the life jacket and helmet, 5 of us sat in the boat with a paddle in our hands. The guide accompanied us after giving strict instructions. It was my first rafting experience and it was sooooo much fun!! The best part was when we went though a 5 feet drop and the water hit us. It was an amazing experience :) Then the guide pushed us all into the water. I was the scared one not knowing how to swim. We stayed in the still water for 5 minutes, and then continued rafting. We spent more than an hour on the river. It was FUN FUN all the way :)

Had lunch at friend's aunt's house. The aunt has grown all kinds of bonsais in their garden. We also saw a peacock on our way out. Back in the homestay we had dinner, chatted and then crashed on the bed.

It was soon Sunday morning, the day we had to leave. The morning was so fresh, sitting outside, watching the mist and having coffee and chatting.

It was soon time to leave - after a super idli vada breakfast. The roads are great from Chickmangalur to Blore - Chickmangalur-Hassan-Channrayapatna-Nelamangala-Blore.

Great time, thanks S, S, V, J, T, N, K, R, C, A :)

A Walk in the Garden

Am returning to my favorite topics - walk, greenery and my city :)

Ever since I walked in Lalbagh during my bday weekend, I have been planning to get into the routine of walking here few times a week. I finally started off this Sunday!

Started my walk at 7.30am. Lalbagh is one of the most beautiful places in Bangalore. And morning times are the best - lovely weather, fresh air, birds flying around, young and old people jogging and walking, huge old trees everywhere, serene lake in the center! The brisk walk for 60 minutes felt so good. The lone time with nature for an hour rejuvenated me :)

I did not listen to music, wasn't talking on the phone, not dreaming about anything - it was just pure walk :) I now realize that I was observing everything around me, all the while taking in the beauty. My fil always comes back from his walk with a smile on his face and never forgets to say that hes "nicely tired". I think I felt the same way this time :)

Moment of the day -  Planting a tomato sapling at home!

Benefit of doubt

Benefit of the doubt!!

This is such a powerful sentence.

Many times I get stuck when it comes to understanding people. Other people's behavior does affect me. And I end up wondering and analyzing the situation. Such a waste of time! And I always struggle to come out of the mood. Today I found a simple solution to deal with it. If and only IF I start giving the benefit of doubt to the other person I can lead my life very peacefully. Everyone has their own problems and reasons for all their actions. Instead of trying to analyze or understand or being angry at a person's action, its best to think that they had a genuine reason for it and just move on. It may not be that easy, but it worked like magic for me.

Today, I was thinking about something, and trying hard to act as if it had not happened. Ohhh but my mind!! And then I heard this phrase - always give benefit of the doubt to the other person . As soon as I digested this sentence, I felt so light because I started implementing it. Life would be so much more pleasant if all of us followed it :)

Happy Saturday :)


Sep 9
3 plants died in my pots in the balcony. Just when I was thinking what to plant in the 3 empty pots, my friend sent me a mail regarding a workshop called "Oota form Thota". It was an interesting workshop where we bought few seeds and eatables. It motivated me to start gardening for real. We have a beautiful garden in front of our house, which is maintained by our gardener. He is more than a gardener to this house. We call him my mil's 2nd son :D.

I have been dreaming about getting my hands dirty with soil and manure since a long time. I want to start maintaing our garden on my own. Of course theres a long way to go to achieve this. But I took a tiny step on Sep 7th. I seeded methi and coriander seeds in the pots in my balcony.

Today is day 3, and the methi seeds have started sprouting :D Am so excited!! Next step is to clear up some space in the garden below on the ground for other vegetables. Have bought cluster beans, lady finger, sabbasige soppu from the workshop.

So I did get my hands dirty, spreading mud on the seeds and distributing evenly :)


How does a person handle impatience?

Patience is a virtue - we have heard this n no of times!!

Any problem we face, we tell ourselves (or someone else says) that its a matter of time for it to get resolved.

This is a passing phase, this phase will soon change to a good one.

Etc etc...

But how do you deal with yourself during THAT time? How to ensure we do not waste that time.

The difficult part of being patient is not knowing how long the waiting period is going to last. 

Its funny that as I type this, the following song is playing on my phone - waiting in the weeds by Eagles - "I heard some wise men say that every dog will have his day, He never mentioned that these dog days get so long"

Here are few words from the song - 

And I have been waiting in the weeds
Waiting for my time to come around again
And hope is floating on the breeze,
Carrying my soul high up above the ground..

And I have been waiting in the weeds
Waiting for the dust to settle down..

And I have been waiting in the weeds
Waiting for the summer rain to fall..

Waiting :)

One way to get past the waiting/lean period is to indulge ourselves completely into something that we love doing. Its like investing our energy in something good/useful for a certain period of time instead of wasting it (our energy) in worrying and waiting for better times.

Try it out :)

Moment of the day - One hour walk in our green green garden, listening to music :)