Power of muffins

We have all come across many quotes about happiness, one that always stands out in my mind is - Happiness lies in small things. I truly believe in this. To prove my point, I have to go back to my muffin story. 

I started baking the muffins last night, this time made more quantity, so the baking happened in 3 batches. And each time, the smell of the fresh muffins baking in my oven was fantastic. The muffins were ready, I packed it in boxes to eat the next day. Since then I have been dreaming about having tea and muffins in my balcony. This morning, I could take a break from work only around 10.45. Made myself tea and sat in the balcony with the muffin for just 5 minutes. This 5 minutes made me so happy!! I enjoyed every second :D

It may be just me - a single muffin can make me so happy. But it will be something else for others. I honestly feel that each person has to find their 'muffin' (something that makes you happy easily) and just be happy in that moment. I know that I am making it sound very very simple. But do we have a choice? My brother had a poster in his room that said "Take care of the smaller things, and the bigger things will take care by themselves". Why not enjoy and cherish the little things in our lives on a day to day basis, rather than waiting for something big to happen to be happy.

Moment of the day - Eating home-made healthy muffins :p 

1 comment:

  1. NICE! Motorbike rides used to be my muffin in the US. I think naps are my muffins here :).
