June 17, 12.12pm

Today is the day I met A 6 years back! Its a nice feeling :)

May be I should write about that day. We had exchanged many emails and had many phone calls before we decided to meet. I was in California at my friend's place hunting for a job. A flew down to Cali on a Friday night. He wanted me to come to the airport which I refused to do so (me being adamant about certain things). He drove down to my friend's place, where we met for the first time. We went for a drive, and then had ice cream on our way. It was really nice. I mean it was simple. We just talked about general stuff. He is very down to earth, speaks whats on his mind without sweet-coating. It was a very casual outing :)

A always tells me to simplify my life. And its very easy to keep everything simple. Be honest to yourself, speak what you feel, instead of worrying what the other person will think about you, do things immediately without over-analyzing or postponing, if things don't go your way, move on to the next option. I know its not as easy as it sounds, but if we really try, it is possible. I am a live example for this :D. I am not bragging about myself, but I have come a long way from where I started. So if I can do it, I feel anyone can.

Moment of the day - (its something different this time) - Me doing 25 suryanamaskars. I have been organized enough this week to exercise one hour daily in the morning :)

1 comment:

  1. :) m proud of the suryanamskaras...25 is really good :)
