Being our own cheerleader

Last week I was telling someone that I gifted myself something for my birthday and it initiated a bunch of thoughts in my head (the overthinking me 😝). Most of us are blessed to be able to buy what we want. But this holds good for every other expectation we have from others. There is no need to expect anything from others when we have ourselves. It is actually such a powerful thought or mindset if we internalize it. Once we apply this to every situation, every moment becomes easy - I am stopping myself from using the word blissful. I am using the word easy, because, most of the time, life gets difficult because of the expectations we have from others, from situations, from circumstances, the list goes on and from life itself.

Trying to give ourselves the things that we are expecting from others - from as simple and silly as giving a compliment - for example, we dress up to go out and meet friends and because we are dressed up we may be tempted to expect a compliment from others. But instead, before stepping out, we compliment ourselves, saying we are looking great etc. That's it. At every stage, every time we realize we are expecting something from an external source, we can stop ourselves and shift it to doing it ourselves. 

This morning I heard myself telling a friend that it is easier to do things when we have company. Again, it is an expectation that I need company. I am glad I did all the things that had to be done today alone.

Conversation between two characters on a TV series that has stayed with me - "I wish I had friends like you." "You keep carving out the life you want. The right people will come alongside." This is relevant as it helps us in not expecting or craving for company.

Everyone knows that I am an avid nature lover. I am always in awe with so many things nature has to offer. Everytime I see a flower blooming or a bird calling, I wonder how the flowers/birds/etc bring so much joy to humans by just being. They have no idea that they make a person smile every time he/she sees them 😊❤ That is the power or beauty of oneself. The same holds good for a human being. We just need to trust ourselves 😊


Think about it. 😊😍 Let us give it a try! Let us try to be our own cheerleader 🌞🌟🔥🌈

Calm and serene

Some adventure

Strong and stable

A foodieeeee

My companion forever

Gushing rain water


The gorgeous koel

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