Right time

 It's almost midnight. Just feel like writing down my thoughts before sleeping. I have no idea what I am going to write today. 

I woke up at 5.45 am to step out for a walk. But exactly around 6 am it started raining. I contemplated taking an umbrella and going for my walk, but finally decided against it. I had so many household chores to be done at home, so I started off around 6.30 am after having my coffee. I did yoga/kriya for about an hour. Felt really good (as it had been many days since I did). Later I saw one of the flowers in my balcony had bloomed. I had my second cup of coffee with pineapple cake that my little one had baked yesterday.

I am not sure why I am sharing all these. Lets see where it goes πŸ˜‚

Ok, then I fell asleep last night πŸ˜›

It is the next morning πŸ˜ and yes, I am writing after my amazing walk πŸŽ‡

Yesterday was an interesting day. So I wanted to jot down my thoughts here, but as mentioned earlier I wasn't clear about what I wanted to write. Today while walking I knew πŸ˜Š

Mom and I went out to meet my aunt and uncle yesterday. Had been planning to visit them for many days, but it happened only yesterday. Everything in life happens at a particular time frame. It hardly happens at the exact time we want it to. Isn't it? Life can get tough/frustrating/dull/rough/crazy (whatever we want to call it) mainly because of this TIMING!

Ideal scenario would be to have everything we want immediately. We do EVERYTHING possible to make sure it happens immediately. But life is smarter than us. It makes sure that everything happens only at the RIGHT time! This 'right' time can be a few days, few weeks or after a few (or many many many) years! That is the reality right? There is no beating around the bush about it. 

Whether it is about 

- meeting someone

- picking up the phone to call someone

- traveling somewhere

- learning something

- finding a job

- changing a situation

- changing our emotions

- changing the way we feel

- growing

basically about everything, every situation. Though I am calling it the RIGHT time, when we are in the situation we hardly believe 'it' to be the right time. In our mind, 'immediate' is the right time under any circumstance. But we see it again and again that there is no other option than to wait for it to happen naturally.

A flower will not bloom until it is ready, we cannot rush it by adding extra water/sunlight in a single day. We wait patiently by adding little water daily. It is exactly the same with everything in life. The only thing we have to learn to do is wait for things to happen naturally and not rush it by worrying or being sad. Of course we put in the effort just like we water our plants everyday - every single day! There is no shortcut, we have to do our work EVERY SINGLE DAY without waiting for the results to be seen the same day. 

Let us not fret about anything! Things will happen at the right time! TRUST LIFE ❤❤πŸ’—

Sun showing his face in between the clouds 

Birds showing up

Aunt's house

Blooms at the right time!

Though I wanted to publish this post yesterday, I couldn't
It had to be done today

The sun won't show up when we want him to
But today I got to see the sun-rise after many weeks

Rain or shine
I will be fine
The time is right

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Naina had to be born one day late, so they sent me home cos I had drank orange juice when I showed up at the hospital.
