
 I have so many things to do, yet here I am writing 😇

A new season is here, a new beginning every single day!

I started running today! Well, I ran 1.3 km continous and the rest was walk! Incidentally today was the Mumbai marathon where people ran 42km! So why am I comparing? Hehe there is absolutely no comparison. But does that mean running 1km was less important? I honestly felt the thrill/joy of completing a full marathon after being able to run 1.3 km continously. It just goes to show more and more that everything is in the mind! Hats off and congratulations to everyone who completed the full marathon today! I can never do it, ok, I MAY never be able to do it. The point is every single thing in life has its own value. It is us who undermine something or glorify something based on our - attitude/experiences/priorities etc. 

It was a good reminder for me to cherish EVERY single thing - small or big that I have! It is also connected to the fact that we tend to see the negative/bad in us first, whereas it takes a conscious effort to see the good/positives in ourselves. I have a bit of an obsession about being 'fair or right'. I desperately want to make sure I am doing the right thing all the time and thinking good thoughts all the time. But why do we need to categorize anything as good/bad, right/wrong. This differentiation is not at all needed. Everything is exactly as it is supposed to be. We do not need to judge ourselves or anyone! I know many would argue that it is not ok to be wrong/bad or doing wrong things. But who decides this right/wrong. I have seen million times that one's right is another person's wrong and vice versa. And let us be honest, no matter how much we try to be right/good, we end up hurting others or ourselves. So let us make our lives simpler by valuing everything and everyone without labelling as good/bad, right/wrong, wow/yuck.....

Being kind to ourselves and others is an easier and simpler way to life 😍 - is what I feel ❤

Celebrating Surya
First day of Sun moving from southern to northern hemisphere
Makara Shankranthi - a new beginning

Tabebuias are here!!! 💗

Grateful for the company

Enjoying my black coffee everyday 😛 

First post of 2023!

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