
 The moment is so perfect and so wonderful that you almost feel sad because you know that nothing can ever be this good again.

Heard the above dialogue while watching one of the web series. I was stuck with this as I felt this to be so true. It explained exactly what I was feeling over the last few days. When we have seen or experienced the nicest of things, does it get tough to keep up with that experience? Even though each experience is unique and different, do we tend to compare it with the best that we have seen? Why do we always aim or want the best of everything? Why do we tend to talk about aiming for the sky? Aren't all these external factors that make us dependent? Why do we have this huge illusion around this word called PERFECT? 

Being able to see every moment as the best moment, the perfect moment without comparing it with our past or future is the way to go!

Two paths - one well trodden, one less traveled
which one to choose?
Life chose the second one 😁

Hoping to see colors on this less traveled path.

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