108 SuryaNamaskara

Am writing this post just to log one of the events in my life that I am happy about. I did 108 Surya Namaskaras on 26 February, Saturday. The first time I did this was around 2-3 years ago at a temple, in the open space with people physically next to me. That was a memorable event!

This time I did with many others from IndeaYoga online. So I was alone in my room with fresh air coming in through the balcony and the voice of Bharath sir from IndeaYoga counting. It took around 80 minutes to complete 108 Surya Namaskaras and this was without taking any break. 

Why did I do this? I was sure I would love every moment and hence registered for the event. Everything is a mind game right? Before we started Bharath sir told us to focus only on breathing in and breathing out for each step and nothing else - not to think about how many surya namaskaras we have completed, or how many more to go etc. And this helped me, I kept concentrating on breathing in and breathing out for the appropriate step and I realized that unless I focus, I would lose track of which leg to do next - left or right. So these two things kept me going. Bharath sir told us when we completed 30, 60, 90 and yes 108! I felt that going from 60 - 90 was slightly harder compared to others. Isn't it similar in life? When we begin something new, initial phase is usually an exciting phase - the phase of anticipation, newness, freshness. And then mid phase can be harder as we are slowly starting to think about the end goal, and looking back to see how far we have come, same oldness has set in. The last phase, if the result is in sight, then we want to rush through, and no matter what we will push our way to touch the result as it is so close!

Hehe my analogy! Well, so when we get stuck between the 60 and 90, we just have to BREATHE IN and BREATHE OUT and we will be fine :)) that is, if we are mindful of every step we are taking. 

Sunrise before I did Surya Namaskara


  1. Loved your anology.Loved what you wrote.So true.

  2. Love your posts and totally agree with your anology. Breathe In Breathe out and everything will be fine��

  3. Love your posts and totally agree with your anology. Breathe In Breathe out and everything will be fine👍

  4. Love your posts and totally agree with your anology. Breathe In Breathe out and everything will be fine👍
