What is it with coffee and tea

Disclaimer: I am a huge coffee and tea LOVER!

What is it with coffee/tea that makes our heart go zoom, what is it that makes us crave for coffee/tea every morning, and every evening, and anytime of the day.

As I write this, I am sipping the filter coffee that I made in the new coffee maker that I got as a birthday gift. Oh, the smell of fresh coffee!!! My weekdays are super super busy, I honestly do not get a single minute to sit down or think. And my mornings, when I have to get my son ready for school are even busier. Today morning was a tiny bit extra tough :) I finally managed to add water and coffee powder into the coffee maker, and make a cup of coffee. I sat down for 2 minutes and just drank my coffee. And the relief, excitement, happiness that brushed me was enough. Life felt just PERFECT :)

What is it with the tiniest of things, the simplest of things, the silliest of things, that gives us tremendous joy! If we can really feel happy about these small things, then life seems like a cake walk. There will always be bigger things that we can break our head about, but these bigger things will seem smaller, if we concentrate on the day to day smaller things. That is why the saying goes - TAKE CARE OF THE SMALLER THINGS, AND THE BIGGER THINGS WILL TAKE CARE OF ITSELF :)

My birthday also had all these small elements, and that made my day - early morning walk, breakfast with my family, temple visit, long drive, lunch, shopping, coffee, dinner and loot of phone calls from my friends and family! Thanks everyone for making my day so special.

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