Feel GOOD factor

What is success, what is an achievement, who do we consider a great person..

Am sure each one of us will give a different definition to everything. Life has so many aspects to it, how can there be a single and simple definition to anything. 

The reason for this blog is, well I am a full time mom now, and so stay at home. I am a 100% housewife/homemaker/mom. What do I do at home the whole day? The answer is simple, by 10pm, I will be craving to sit on my sofa and just sit and not do anything. So, in reality I can say that I am busy for at least 12 hours. I am active physically through out the day. But mentally I am not using my brain much. why? Because it is just house work.

So its natural I have started wondering about all the success people achieve in life. 

Last few months, my husband and I have started going for walks in the morning on weekends - saturday and sunday, with our 2 little ones. We make the kids sit in the pram or sling and head out, our destination will be a breakfast place, we have yummy breakfast and then head back home, roughly covering around 4km in total. I feel a sense of achievement when we do this! It may be a very small thing, but we are waking up early in the morning, even though we have woken up several times in the night to feed our youngest kid, and going out trying to get some exercise and at the same time having fun. And both our kids love this routine. 

There are several things like this, that we do, that gives me an immense sense of satisfaction and happiness. I walk from my place to my parents house once a week, early in the morning alone. I feel so GOOD about it. 

When my kid hugs me for no reason and says love you mom :) Nothing can beat that feeling.

We just need to find those things and realize what makes us feel good and successful. We do not have to win an award to make us feel special. Isn't it?


  1. Absolutely Ramya. Definition of success is personal. A mom is as successful as the CEO of a company. It's all in how we look at ourselves and how we derive happiness out of. Staying home two years gave me a different perspective of what our moms do or did, it also gave me a perspective of how my dad probably related to us, missed us when he went to work full time. That is not easy as well. Growing up kids miss parents equally as well :))

    1. I completly agree with you Ramya. Taking care of kids and actually family is not that easy . Proud to be what we are .
