Art of Travel

I knew I love traveling, but realized  the intensity lately after our coorg and coonoor trip. Each and every trip of ours has been amazing. Every vacation is unique. We love lazy trips, love adventurous ones, busy trips. Travel is fun. Its fun when we travel in a group with friends, its fun when its just 2 of us as well. Travel helps me in overcoming many things. I feel very refreshed. Love to explore new things in the new place. I had mentioned in my earlier blog, everything associated with a travel is exciting :)

Have to plan on our next trip now. With our new 550D, traveling will be more spicy :D

Firstly, I want to make a list of places in India and then abroad. I want to try to touch most of the states in India. Have to identify a place/places in each state. That's not difficult to find. Second thing is to figure out ways to do economical trips.

Am off to planning :p

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