
 This is more like a prelude to my next post. Not literally, but this thought came up while I was thinking about my next post. So everytime an idea comes to my head for my blog, the first line automatically comes. So I wanted to start my next post with these words - As many of you know by now, I follow many people and few things these people say stay with me forever - well, this trigerred another thought and hence this post 😊

When I say I follow few people, what does it really mean? Many of us follow/listen to people online, based on our interests. We watch, we get inspired, we forget, we ignore, we pause, we think. And sometimes it makes a HUGE difference in our lives when we listen - listening to the famous people online or listening to our friends/family. Is it easier to listen to unknown famous people compared to known people who may be our family or friends? Do we feel that only we know whats best for us? Of course we do, but is there anything wrong in listening to others? We never know what we may realize in that process. Each one has his/her own experiences, but I feel we somehow struggle to accept that we might learn something from someone else's experience. Is it because we feel we know more or better than someone else? Or do we feel listening to others may make us feel weak? 

Listening to others has helped me a lot in my journey. I am not saying that listening all the time or listening to everything others have to offer helps. But choosing what to listen to, or at least being open to listening and discussing have lot of merits. We are after all social beings, so no matter how independent we think we are, we all are inter connected!

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