The memorable chai

I have been looking for a word to describe something amazing that I witnessed during one of my trips. But sometimes words hardly do any justice to beauty. 

So the story goes like this, I went to visit one of my aunts. My aunt and uncle are 84 years old and live on their own in a rented house. There is so much talk about spirituality, positivity, motivational etc in this world. We talk and analyze so much about every little thing. My aunt and uncle are living such a simple positive life on a daily basis. I was and am awe-astruck by their attitude towards life! We usually meet them once a year as we don't live in the same city. They are away from all the relatives, and they have gone through so much pain through out their lives, but the only thing I heard during our 2 hours stay with them were only positive things. They have faced all kinds of problems, but the only thing I could see on their faces were warm smiles and heart felt gratitude for everything they have! I could feel the joy on their faces while they were describing about all the little things in their life that has happened. They are so genuinely thankful to everyone and everything! They are so content inspite of everything! And never have I heard them say anything negative about anyone. Yes, my aunt complains once in a while but that is more on a lighter note than to spite anyone.

I just sat there for 2 hours, enjoying listening to them, feeling so happy at their attitude and cherishing the nicely cut apples, biscuits and hot freshly made chai by my uncle!

I have been blessed to have many people in my family like my aunt-uncle. Grateful to each one of the elders who guide us without saying a word but by living it!

All of us have ups and downs in life! It is ONLY our ATTITUDE that defines everything. 

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