Feel like starting the post by saying "Life is Beautiful" :)

Yesterday I heard someone say that we should never forget the sad experiences as every experience teaches us something and if we forget the sad experience we may never learn. I thought it was an interesting perspective. I absolutely agree that we need to learn and grow from every single experience in our lives, whether sad or happy. 

December 27, one date that is etched in my memory since last 23 years! One of the saddest events (of my life) happened on this day and I have been trying to understand what I can learn from this since yesterday. I guess the biggest lesson I need to realize is the impermanance of everything and that in turn helping me to live in the moment.

If not this event, few other major events in my life have definetely taught me to live in the present and I can for once confidently say I am doing that. 

Today I woke up at 4.10 am as I wanted to do 108 surya namaskaras. Started at 4.20 am and finished 108 surya namaskaras at 5.48 am. The only way I could do 108 was by telling myself to breath in and breath out and of course breaking it down to my "10 pens process" :))) (Refer to my earlier posts).

Well, heres to learning and growing every single day of our lives and being grateful for every single experience!

Good bye 2021, thank you for showering us with your grace :)

Pure, natural, clear, simple sky

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