Be Happy

Is happiness over rated? :) 
Is it ironical that I am asking this question on a blog titled "being positive and happy"?

Are we putting too much pressure on ourselves to be happy? Does happiness come naturally or we feel happiness when we are conscious about it? 

A long time ago, a friend had said that few people are happy by nature, but few others make an effort to be happy. I feel it is true. And the rest are happy only when something good happens to them. Is it possible to be happy all the time and irrespective of what is happening in and around our lives? 

I had read a poem by Rumi called The Guest House. I feel that this poem summarizes life :) and if we can follow it we will be at peace. It says that we should treat ourselves as a guest house and treat every emotion that enters our mind as a guest.  So no matter what kind of emotion we feel (enters our mind), we should treat it with joy, respect, laughter and gratitude! As we anyways know that a guest is not a permanent resident, guests leave after a certain period of time. There is no right emotion or a wrong emotion. I guess we need to stop fighting our feelings, stop being in denial, and start acknowledging how we exactly feel. Let us welcome every emotion, let us respect every emotion, let it pass through us, and only then can they leave us, giving space to the next emotion!

So I think it is ok to feel sad, cry, be angry, irritable, laugh, smile. We do not have to give a name to our state of mind right? 

Well these were my 2 cents for the day :) 

Makes me joyful every time I see this picture - sky tree leaves flowers 

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