Just Me

Suryanamaskara, Morning yoga, Yoga pilates, Zumba, walk and Squash!!

I love exercising different things every day. And this is working so great for me. I love it, my days are so fresh and bright when I start off with exercise :)

Morning walk in Lalbagh is one of the new things that I have started and I absolutely love it. Theres so much greenary there!!

Second new sport is squash. I have never played before and I have just started learning it. My hand eye coordination is very far from good, so I am happy if I just hit the ball. Right now I cannot serve and I do not even know the rules properly. But I am so excited that I can at least hit the ball :D I will learn slowly. The best part of this game is that wherever I hit, the ball will stay inside the room :D

Its been many days since I typed in few words. Have been doing a lot of stuff - Mekedaatu trip with co-workers, getting few pending things done over the weekend, meeting few friends after a long time, dinner with A, watching an interactive play (I will have to write about it in my next blog).

Its been hectic and lovely 2 weeks :)


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