My thoughts

Its been a while since I logged in. I feel everyday seems busier than the previous day. Or like I was telling my friend earlier today, I want to do everything at the same time. I love doing many things and I get restless sometimes about not being able to do all the things. I have become better in prioritizing and doing one thing at a time, but my to-do lists are always long. Whatever I cannot do immediately, goes on my to-do list. I may not get to it for months, but at least I know its on my list :)

I have been thinking about the concept of "judging" since last few weeks/months, mainly because its come up during many conversations I have with people. We all keep telling ourselves not to judge others. But how often do we follow it strictly. Life can be much simpler if we do not have an extra task of analyzing others. Accept what you see, without further thinking.

I have realized one more thing about "judging" - judging ourselves. Many of us spend most of our time introspecting our actions and thoughts. How I wish I had done this in a different way, why did I do it, I shouldn't have done it, why am I like this, on and on. We really do not have to judge everything we do or think. Thinking through before taking a decision is definitely necessary. But we don't have to judge our decision if it doesn't go well. We had a reason for making that decision and we are like this becasue we are unique. We need to move on to other important thoughts. And just like and approve ourselves, no amtter what.

Moment of the week - Shopping :), finding the right shops with less price and great quality - thats smart shopping !! :D :D

Just Me

Suryanamaskara, Morning yoga, Yoga pilates, Zumba, walk and Squash!!

I love exercising different things every day. And this is working so great for me. I love it, my days are so fresh and bright when I start off with exercise :)

Morning walk in Lalbagh is one of the new things that I have started and I absolutely love it. Theres so much greenary there!!

Second new sport is squash. I have never played before and I have just started learning it. My hand eye coordination is very far from good, so I am happy if I just hit the ball. Right now I cannot serve and I do not even know the rules properly. But I am so excited that I can at least hit the ball :D I will learn slowly. The best part of this game is that wherever I hit, the ball will stay inside the room :D

Its been many days since I typed in few words. Have been doing a lot of stuff - Mekedaatu trip with co-workers, getting few pending things done over the weekend, meeting few friends after a long time, dinner with A, watching an interactive play (I will have to write about it in my next blog).

Its been hectic and lovely 2 weeks :)
