

Cafe Amudham

There is a story behind the above pictures. A friend of mine shared an incident from her life that had happened many years ago. It was about her father who fell from their house rooftop. His hand and back were badly hurt and the family called for an ambulance. In the meanwhile her father remained super calm, took a few moments for himself and told them he was fine. He did undergo treatment, doctors told him he had to live with a bad back, but in 15 days he was doing his daily chores and walking. This stayed on my mind ever since she told me. 

The next morning after my friend shared the incident, I woke up with a terrible headache followed by nausea. I had planned to meet a friend at 6.30 in the morning. When I woke up around 5 am, I was in pain. I popped a tablet. But it didn't help and I threw up. I popped another tablet to stop the nausea. My friend's story kept coming to my mind and I decided to step out. I left home a little later than planned. I did manage to do all the things I had planned that day. 

The reason I am writing about it is just to wonder about the power of our minds. An easy solution when I woke up would have been to cancel the plan to go out and sleep the whole day. But I knew I would feel low the whole day and I love the morning walks/meeting friends. So I didn't over think and told myself I would be fine and stepped out.

It is also a reminder to think positive thoughts. Imagine what the mind can do when we keep thinking negative thoughts or angry thoughts or sad thoughts or fearful thoughts. It can easily ensure what we think comes true. So better to talk to our mind the way we want our life to be. 

That's my food for thought for September!

1 comment:

  1. You are one brave person and inspirational too! :)
