The good side

One of the famous proverbs (at least in India) says "maduve maadi nodu, mane katti nodu" which translates to "perform a marriage and build a house". This can mean that if we do the above two, we would have experienced life wholly, because both the activities involve everything life has to offer!

This morning I was reminded of the proverb as I was wondering why 'parenting' is not included in this proverb 😇😇😇😇

Parenting journey - are there words to describe this? The moment when one becomes a parent is a moment that reaches a zenith point! The joy that comes with parenting  is undeniable, so are all the hundreds  or thousands of other emotions that a parent goes through! Woah, did we even know that so many emotions existed before we became a parent? Is there a secret recipe to parenting that will make the journey as smooth as possible? The answer is a big no. 

I guess parenting literally teaches one to be humble. Parenting is life itself - it makes one laugh, cry, feel angry, feel insane, feel ecstatic, fall in love, feel helpless, peaceful, well the list goes on and on! But inspite of all these, it is a magical experience! 

Just like life, if we focus on the goodness constantly, it can be a magical beautiful blissful journey! There is no other way, as there is no end to the challenges that life throws at us! So the only way to sail through smoothly is to continuosly focus on the good side of everything! Of course it is super HARD, but when we realize that nothing is easy, it actually becomes easy 😀

Heres to looking at the bright cheerful chirpy side of everything!

Two sides

It was one crazy week! But so many lessons learnt!

While I was up early this morning I was reminded of a conversation with an acquintance and how we were having a pleasant time inspite of our differences. It suddenly struck me that they were 2 entirely different things. Let me explain. Just like there are 2 sides to a coin, any relation has two aspects to it - 
first is the role they are playing at a given moment - this can be based on a situation or a mood;
second is the default nature of the person devoid of any circumstance/situation/mood. 

I am going to refer to the above 2 aspects as first and second

Though one may argue that both are interconnected and the first depends on the latter, it is not so. The reason I am saying this so strongly is because the first one is momentary most of the time and the second one is what the truth is. Unfortunately our lives are ruled by the first behaviour and hence we judge others based on this temporary first behaviour. If we take a moment and remind ourselves everytime that the person in front of us is behaving in a particular way only because of a momentary situation/mood/circumstance, then we will be able to see the true nature of that person and in turn have an amazing relation with them.

To be honest most of us follow this, otherwise we would never have any close relations. But we follow this only with our close relations - close friends and close family. When it comes to the extended circle, we let the first behaviour dominate the second one and we know what happens next. Wouldn't we have an amazing relationship with everyone if we are conscious of this about ourselves? 

Even with close relations, we have conflicts, arguments, fights, disappointments and this is because we are seeing only the first behaviour and forgetting the second. It is so easy to see only the first. It takes an effort to remind ourselves about the second one in everyone around us.  I am going to try for sure!

Happy weekend 😀


Are birthdays special? 

Some consider it very special and some treat it like any other day. Well it is like any another day. But there is an excitement around it. Birthdays/anniversaries/functions/get-togethers - all these occasions are oppurtunities to talk/meet our close friends and family. In a world where each one of us are busy doing our day to day activities, occasions may be needed to make us realize how blessed we actually are to have even one person as a friend or family. 

I agree that we all want to be independent, feel independent, not depend on others either physically or emotionally to feel good. But we are social animals. When we talk to a close friend/family, or when we meet a close friend/family there is a happy energy. 

That was exactly how one of my special days went by. It was a day full of happy positive energy! 

Now the reason for this post is to wonder if we can treat most of the days in our life special. I am just using the word special here because it will bring our attention to it. Basically everyday being a happy positive energy day! Well it is upto each one of us. We just need to make a choice consciously and tell ourselves how we want to treat each day. If we are brutally honest, every day can be a crazy day as life can be filled with ups and downs every single day, if not every moment 😊 So it is just a choice each one of us make about how we want to live everyday. Of course few days will be easier to make this choice and few days extremely hard. 

My brother said something this morning that I want to quote - our mind is like a radio station, filled with many thoughts - sad/happy/positive/negative/intelligent/nonsense/.... - but we have the ability to choose which thoughts we would like to tune into. Most of the time we put so much energy on the wrong thought by either thinking about it or talking about it that it becomes our whole personality. And most of the times we may be doing this without realizing it. I felt that it was such a powerful line of thought - to give more energy to the good thoughts, and giving zero energy to the negative ones! 

There is no harm in trying this right? Because once we do this and if we are able to see a new world opening up for ourselves, its worth everything!