
 Two things are running in my mind since few days. 

One is how self confidence directs our life. 

Second one, how there is always a silver lining to every cloud.

Self confidence - Such a powerful tool!!! Our whole attitude towards life depends on how confident we are. Isn't it? Whatever the situation may be, good or bad, beautiful or ugly, happy or sad - if we are confident about ourselves, then we always tend to look at the situation in a positive way. Actually it is much more than just looking at life in a positive way. I am not sure if I can explain the importance in words. I am emphasising this a lot because, majority of us struggle in life mainly due to the lack of confidence. We may not even be aware that we are not confident. What is confidence really? Believing in myself when no one else believes me, trusting myself when the whole world is saying I am wrong, accepting ourselves exactly the way we are - thats it! But how difficult it is to do these things. I feel we always stop at the "what ifs" and freak out and stop there. Let us try to change our doubts to blind-beliefs about ourselves! Let us change the what-if to so-what and see how life unfolds.

Most of the time our confidence takes a hit because we are constantly comparing. We may not agree, but think about it, we feel we are not doing enough or not happy enough or not healthy enough or not smart enough, not brave enough, not friendly enough, not parenting enough, not loving enough - who has set these standards? No one is coming and telling us we are not enough, it is always our mind telling us we are not enough! Not enough for what? This not enough comes in only when we are comparing to a benchmark right? The tricky part is that we are not aware that our mind is telling us this. So we go through life without even realising that we feel we are not good enough. 

Let us take a pause, just being conscious of such subtle thoughts itself makes a huge difference. It does to me and hence the post 😊 

There is always something good in everything, every situation, everyone, if we only look for it!

Let us be confident and see the silver lining in everything 💓

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