
Watching the morning sun rise from our abode, a calm cool night on the balcony smelling fresh Aakasha mallige flowers that are blooming in the night, a cool breeze forcing me to continue gazing at my surroundings and trying to spot stars and moon - counting my blessings as another day/year goes by and a new day/year awaits tomorrow.

A happy new year everyone 😊

Yuga Ugadi kaledaru
Ugadi marali baruthide
Hosa varushake
Hosa harushava
Hosathu hosathu taruthide
Hosathu hosathu taruthide


The last ten months have been quite a journey! Lot of learnings, lot of experiences. As usual my mind is bustling with so many things to write about. But I will try to stick to one 😅

Well, this is something that has bothered me since I heard the phrase during my college days. One of my closest friends had made a remark that 'blood is thicker than water'. That was the first time I heard this phrase and ever since I have been trying to make the world believe that it is not true! I remember vaguely getting angry when I heard this and also had felt very sad. I did not believe that. 

I take time to make friends, but once I do, I usually get close to them and the bond becomes very special to me. Of course most people have close friends and am sure they are special to each one. But knowingly or unknowingly majority of us have this 'inner circle' and 'outer circle' built in our mind. Usually this 'inner circle' is the first family - parents, children, grandparents, real siblings. 

An incident happened yesterday and it made me re-think about blood being thicker than water. When we deal with people in our so called 'inner circle' we forget and forgive negative incidents/talks/arguments/fights more naturally or more easily. But when it comes to our so called 'outer circle' we carry every single word for many days or years. Aaagrrrrrrhhh! Is that fair? That distinction between inner and outer circle is becoming so prominent these days in this world and I so wish we all change 😌 Wouldn't it be a lovely experience when everyone treats everyone alike? I know there are millions of factors that contribute to everything and every situation. But we can at least try right? And as I always say, the first step is to become aware that we are doing it and accepting that we are doing it. And yes the next step, not waiting for the other person to behave in a similar fashion 😇 And the most important step is to believe that all circles (relationships) are equally important. 

Let us all try and make our inner and outer circles one and the same 😁💗

Beautiful tall huge raintree - like our inner circle
When we look beyond - our outer circle is standing quietly exuding beauty in a subtle way
Both are equally beautiful and important 😊 

Powerful nature, makes everything beautiful

This video says it all 💗😂❤


 Two things are running in my mind since few days. 

One is how self confidence directs our life. 

Second one, how there is always a silver lining to every cloud.

Self confidence - Such a powerful tool!!! Our whole attitude towards life depends on how confident we are. Isn't it? Whatever the situation may be, good or bad, beautiful or ugly, happy or sad - if we are confident about ourselves, then we always tend to look at the situation in a positive way. Actually it is much more than just looking at life in a positive way. I am not sure if I can explain the importance in words. I am emphasising this a lot because, majority of us struggle in life mainly due to the lack of confidence. We may not even be aware that we are not confident. What is confidence really? Believing in myself when no one else believes me, trusting myself when the whole world is saying I am wrong, accepting ourselves exactly the way we are - thats it! But how difficult it is to do these things. I feel we always stop at the "what ifs" and freak out and stop there. Let us try to change our doubts to blind-beliefs about ourselves! Let us change the what-if to so-what and see how life unfolds.

Most of the time our confidence takes a hit because we are constantly comparing. We may not agree, but think about it, we feel we are not doing enough or not happy enough or not healthy enough or not smart enough, not brave enough, not friendly enough, not parenting enough, not loving enough - who has set these standards? No one is coming and telling us we are not enough, it is always our mind telling us we are not enough! Not enough for what? This not enough comes in only when we are comparing to a benchmark right? The tricky part is that we are not aware that our mind is telling us this. So we go through life without even realising that we feel we are not good enough. 

Let us take a pause, just being conscious of such subtle thoughts itself makes a huge difference. It does to me and hence the post 😊 

There is always something good in everything, every situation, everyone, if we only look for it!

Let us be confident and see the silver lining in everything 💓

A flower

A flower attracts beautiful butterflies/bees without any effort, without doing anything, by just being! It suddenly dawned on me this morning that we usually fight or struggle or put a looot of effort to get something. But the truth or reality is that whatever is ours comes to us naturally. We do not want to believe that. We feel only when we crave for something, or work hard for it, we get it. When we feel this way, everything in life becomes a struggle, a longing! But the moment we realize - truly realize - that whatever is ours comes to us gliding and so naturally at the right time - we almost feel blissful. We feel blissful because there is no pressure whatsoever towards anything. We just know that we already have everything we need and what we need in the future will be provided for. 

I know many don't agree to this logic. But what is the whole point in fighting with life, we are literally longing for one thing or the other all the time. We are waiting for the amazing vacation, the holidays to relax, that high paying job we want to get, a beautiful house - the list can never end - from the smallest of things to the biggest! Whether we accept it or not, whether we are conscious or not, one or the other desire is always there in our heart/mind. So unless we embrace the fact that whats ours will eventually come to us, there will not be peace in our mind. Give it a thought guys 😊