Being me

We often hear the phrase, being ourselves, what does it really mean? It is a simple easy statement right? But it has such a deep meaning! I am writing about this because I have slowly started feeling myself - being the real me! I will not go into the details, but the realization and the feeling is unexplainable. 

I am not sure if I will publish this post because it is very hard to explain the meaning of 'being ourselves' or 'being true to ourselves'. It is sad that very very few in this world lead a life filled with this feeling. As a child we are ourselves, then slowly we change. Change is fine, but if we are changing to please others or to fit-in, we forget our true self. Most of us don't even realize our true self as we are always busy doing something or the other. Once in a while, when our true self tries to peek out, it tries to give us hints in the form of dissatisfaction or sadness or frustration or even a blame game. But we brush these aside by saying this is life. Yes, life is full of everything, it is full of all kinds of emotions and experiences. But the one thing we cannot or should not neglect is ourselves! Most of us don't even realize that we have forgotten our "real selves". We are always busy doing our day to day chores, doing things that we believe make us happy, makes others happy and so on. But still isn't there always that feeling of I WANT TO DO THIS XX THING (and in turn that will make me happy), always looking forward to do this ONE THING todo in the future? 

What I am trying to say is, are we content with EVERYTHING that is happening today? Are we feeling blissful at this moment? Whether we are sitting idle or running or working or cleaning our house or just anything? If we are not, then we have forgotten our real self. Because, life, as it is, is just perfect and beautiful. It is our mind that creates havoc. But the moment we start making an effort to being our true self, we see a change in the way we lead our lives. Try it. Because there is no other way to live other than being true to oneself. Only then will we be able to do justice to anything we are doing, whether it is work, caring for others, taking care of our house - we will be 100% involved in the moment.

Disclaimer - it takes effort initially to realize our true self or to get to know ourselves. But let us take the first step. And what is this first step - self love and acceptance! 

1. We are perfect and special exactly the way we are - every single aspect - physically and mentally. 

2. Accept other people and situations exactly the way they are.

There is so much more to say/write. But I will stop here. If it resonates with you, more later :)

I cannot get enough of the beautiful sky :))

Walk alone

 Oh my! The joy of walking early in the morning! I had missed it so much. 

Walked around 8 km this morning. Left at 6 am and took 1 hour 20 minutes with a pit stop for filter coffee :) I enjoyed every moment of the walk, the morning freshness, the silence, chirping of birds, vehicles, sound of the broomstick against the road, the cloudy sky, drizzling rain, the huge old trees, gulmohar flowers, colourful badam tree leaves, night jasmine flowers shower and so many other little things. And the icing was my fresh filter coffee. 

Sometimes I feel we are so silly as to not do the things that we love that can be done very easily. They will be right under our nose, but we ignore it. These little things bring us so much joy! I guess this again comes down to us being conscious of what we are doing. That way, we get to decide what we really want to do versus what we actually do. 

Well, I am going to walk every weekend and have coffee. Anyone care to join for coffee? 😆😆😆