Just Me

Have you ever felt that you take one step forward and the next day you have taken ten steps back. I feel that way. So I cannot even tell myself I am back to square one, I am behind the square or may be underground!!! 

Well, I guess there is no need to measure, or do we need to? Because 'they' do say that we need to grow everyday right? And growth is always forward. There are so many tools to help us grow, so many things to do to help in our growth. But in spite of all this, we fall, we drown, we go so deep underground, but at the end we all climb up and are back on the flat ground standing. So I guess nature ensures a balance. I don't know how we climb up, each one has their own way. Sometimes it can be a very insignificant or silly thing that helps us climb up. But let me tell you that nature makes sure you climb up. Otherwise would all of us be up and standing, smiling, laughing?

I guess this post is not making any sense to most of you! But I had to write today! This blog has been my guide and my best friend ever since it was born. It helps clear my head, throw out all my emotions (which I have in excess). 

To summarize my gibberish words in this post, all I am saying is - Don't worry about anything people! Nature (or universe or cosmos or God - you can give it any name) will take care of us, no matter what, even though currently a situation seems hopeless. Trust me, I am saying this from my own experience. 

Though its been a ---- day, I burst out in happiness when I was able to do Urdhva Dhanurasana after 3 years today! May be it was silly, but it made me smile, and that is all it takes. I understand the true meaning of "living in the present moment", because past is really over and future has not yet happened, but still here we are crying over the past or/and future.

Here I am..