Feather Light

Early this morning I suddenly imagined seeing a feather flying in the air. And it reminded me of someone saying that we should not burden ourselves with so many things - so many thoughts burdening our mind/body/soul. Burdening our soul means adding more karma to the soul. Keeping the soul light, makes our soul karma free. I am no expert about karma and soul's journey. But this makes sense. Imagine keeping everything light - a light heart, a light mind, a light body, a light soul! Just the thought makes me smile. Who really wants to carry heavy burden? 

Whatever we do, we do with full energy, and forget about it. That is the only way to sail through life. The number of things we dump on our mind, imagine the brunt it takes. Hats off to our mind right?

How do we keep it light? Someone had said that we should live like a snake. A snake sheds old skin, a whole layer of skin is shed and it moves on. All the burden we carry are mainly based on our past memories. So if we start shedding or throwing away all the past thoughts that are accumulated in our brain, our mind will become light. Consciously, every single day if we can throw away unwanted thoughts just like the way we clear up garbage everyday from our house, our mind will feel so much lighter, as there is nothing in our mind other than the present moment. 

Let us shed away our old everything and feel light like a feather :)

 From Sunrise

To Sunset

Till the next Sunrise

Feeling light like a feather

Shedding the old self,

Leads to happiness

Just Me

Have you ever felt that you take one step forward and the next day you have taken ten steps back. I feel that way. So I cannot even tell myself I am back to square one, I am behind the square or may be underground!!! 

Well, I guess there is no need to measure, or do we need to? Because 'they' do say that we need to grow everyday right? And growth is always forward. There are so many tools to help us grow, so many things to do to help in our growth. But in spite of all this, we fall, we drown, we go so deep underground, but at the end we all climb up and are back on the flat ground standing. So I guess nature ensures a balance. I don't know how we climb up, each one has their own way. Sometimes it can be a very insignificant or silly thing that helps us climb up. But let me tell you that nature makes sure you climb up. Otherwise would all of us be up and standing, smiling, laughing?

I guess this post is not making any sense to most of you! But I had to write today! This blog has been my guide and my best friend ever since it was born. It helps clear my head, throw out all my emotions (which I have in excess). 

To summarize my gibberish words in this post, all I am saying is - Don't worry about anything people! Nature (or universe or cosmos or God - you can give it any name) will take care of us, no matter what, even though currently a situation seems hopeless. Trust me, I am saying this from my own experience. 

Though its been a ---- day, I burst out in happiness when I was able to do Urdhva Dhanurasana after 3 years today! May be it was silly, but it made me smile, and that is all it takes. I understand the true meaning of "living in the present moment", because past is really over and future has not yet happened, but still here we are crying over the past or/and future.

Here I am..


An amazing trek and a lovely day with great company!

We had decided to go on a trek to Makalidurga. It is around 60km from Bangalore, we left home around 7.30 am. We ate at  a nearby restaurant and started off. We reached the starting point of the trek at 9.45am. We started the trek at 10 am sharp. The path was a steep one! After climbing for sometime, the beautiful lake became visible. We took few pitstops to take pictures, to sit and soak in the beauty and finally reached the top at 11.45am. We spent more than an hour at the top. There is a fort at the top, and we walked along the walls. The fort also has a small temple hidden in the wilderness. We were lucky to have found the same. A beautiful peaceful Shiva temple called Makali Maheshwara temple! I was so in awe with the temple, and am glad I was able to go inside the temple!

We started back around 1.30pm. It was a sunny day! And we had to watch each step while coming down, as there was no flat surface! We reached the starting point at 2.30pm and drove back. With a stop for lunch, we reached home by 6.30pm. Overall it was an 8km trek!

First view of the hill