
It is hard to complain, when we know the whole world, is facing a crisis. Everything seems or actually is irrelevant when all we need to focus on is how to survive, how to make sure we come out of this alive as a nation, as a world. 

Today is the 4th day I have not stepped out of the house, and this morning as I wake up to only the sounds of birds and nothing else, I realize that it has not been a big deal. I used to be the kind who used to feel restless to sit at home even for half a day. But over the last one year I have hardly socialized. So this comes easy to me now. 

The point I am trying to make here is that with time everything becomes a habit, a routine, or anything we call it. We have all heard that we have to live in the moment, and at a time like this, where none of us in this world know what may happen the next minute (this has always been the case, but now it is more obvious and nature is telling us in bold letters), we have to remind ourselves to be thankful for what we have and realize what matters the most and continue doing our part in this gigantic universe.

Let us focus on being human - caring for others, helping those in need, guiding people, and as we are social animals, let us understand how our actions impact others and in turn our family - community - city- nation - world. All of this is possible, when we are in a sane state of mind, isn't it? When we are at peace with ourselves, within. Last few days, I have had my moments of joy, and felt peaceful at the smallest of things, like eating bajjis while watching rain, drinking fresh coffee, watching kids being busy in their own world, getting back to scrapbooking, watching my favorite movies for the nth time, looking at the gorgeous pink Tabebuia that are blooming all over in the city  - all the while knowing perfectly well or rather not knowing what tomorrow may bring. If I come to think of it, it is not just about the last few days, I have been this way through out last year - the toughest year of my life.

Let us all sincerely be positive, brave, be there for each other, cherish the goodness in everything, pray for people to recover, acknowledge and show our gratitude to  the doctors, nurses and every single person who is out there working not having the luxury to sit at home and look at this beautiful world with hope.


  1. So true .even the thought to stay at home was scary but we are all actually found ways to keep ourselves occupied and happy with stay at gome

  2. Well said Ramya. Always love reading your blogs. But I need to know which is your favourite movie ...

    1. Thanks Tanya.
      Have so many favorite movies, but one that tops the list is definitely "You've got Mail" :))

  3. Nice blog. Earth will heal a bit in 21 days but as it does we hopefully realise what it has to offer when we are good it it's bounty and when we are not!

  4. Nice blog ramya. God given us ample time to search our inner soul by meditating.
