The One Thing

One of those things, when you find contentment in the most regular stuff.

I joined yoga classes after my little one started school. So it's been few months since I have been practicing yoga. I have become so addicted to attending classes, that unless there's an emergency, I do not miss a class. I try to work my whole schedule around the class timing. 

Every Thursday, our teacher makes us do "Urdhva Dhanurasana". It is a back bend with hands (palm) and feet on the ground, stomach (whole body lifted) and facing upwards. I remember the first time I attempted the asana, I could not lift any part of my body. I felt that I would never be able to do this asana as my arms/hands were not strong. 

Today, being a Thursday, we had to do the asana. I was able to do this asana completely and for a long time. Of course, lot of improvements still needed, but I just felt content and happy!! With a lot of things going on in my life, I am so glad I can feel this kind of satisfaction with such a simple basic thing. 

Life is full of crazy ups and downs. So there's never a perfect time, or a perfect circumstance. We have to find those small things that give us happiness. The saying "take care of the small things and the big things will take care of itself" is so true. Finding joy in mundane tasks is the key to a happy content life.

For each one of us that mundane thing will be different. I remember last year it was learning how to swim that added the spark. Even though I cannot breathe inside water, the joy of being able to get into the water and able to swim is unmeasurable.

Now that I have started this topic, my list of such small insignificant things that gives me loads of happiness is huge. Let me list a few just for the fun of it and to refresh my memory as well - 

Having tea or coffee in my garden or balcony
Having tea/coffee with a friend at any coffee place or at a friend's house
Being able to drive around in my small car
Buying gifts to people

Well the list goes on, it doesn't matter what is on one's list, the important thing is for us to have that list :)

Until my next, bye.

Simple wife

Haha, am laughing at the title already! It could have been either "simple partner" or the above or "simple life".

I was watching a movie last night at my mom's. And a dialogue stuck in my head. It was a conversation between a 70 year old male and a young lady. The young lady asks the 70 year widower about his wife. And the old man says that his wife ALWAYS MADE LIFE SEEM LIKE IT WAS VERY EASY, which was not the case. I felt like it was such a wonderful approach. Life is never easy, but the way we look at it can be made simpler. I guess this is more in line with my earlier post "Simplicity". 

I guess not complaining, not over analyzing, taking each day as it comes, having zero expectations from people, having a smile on our face - could make life look simple and easy. I have fallen in love with the word simple/simplicity over the last year. This may be because I had become a complicated person, may be because I had started looking at everything in a complicated way, over analyzing every single detail! 

Luckily I have slowly started to simplify my life :) And hence the above movie dialogue was so inspiring to me. I feel that a person has to be strong (mentally) to pull off such an attitude. Life throws so many things at us, facing each and everything with a smile is the challenge. It does not mean that we never feel sad. We just have to feel the pain and savor the happiness.

Just my 2 cents :)